Ringgold County's Eagle Scouts
Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 11/26/2010 at 05:46:34
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 14, 2010MORE EAGLE SCOUTS IN LAST 37 YEARS
Scratch the number of years since Ringgold County has had an Eagle Scout as reported in last week's story about new Eagle Scout Wyatt LILIENTHAL.
Putting down a number of years since the last honor is risky, and the 37-year report in last week's paper was off by a number of years, people were quick to point out.
At least two other Eagle Scouts have been name in Ringgold county in that period of time, though it has been at least 13 years since the last one reported in corrections this week.
John W. EGLY III of Diagonal, also known as "Goob," was named an Eagle Scout in 1997. He is the son of John and Marlee EGLY of Redding.
Brian LOOMIS was honored as an Eagle Scout in July 1989. He is the son of Ron and Janice LOOMIS of Kellerton.
If there are other Eagle Scouts from the county in the past 30 years who have not been named, the Mount Ayr Record-News would be glad to include mention of them as well.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2010
Ringgold Documents maintained by Tony Mercer.
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