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1st Term of Ringgold County Court & Ringgold Co. Officials


Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 6/4/2010 at 06:57:04


On July 2, 1855, the first formal meeting of Ringgold County's officers met at the cabin of Ephriam COFER, located approximately six miles south of the town of Mount Ayr. The first business to be taken up was to extend the appointment of Peter DOZE, county assessor, to enable him to complet his work. The appointment was extended until July 15th.

Levi S. TERWILLIGER was appointed as Justice of the Peace for Rinngold County, his term to extend to the first Monday in August, allowing his successor to be appointed and qualified.

The county was then divided into quarters by the range line, between 29 and 30, and the township line between 68 and 69, each of these quarters comprising of four townships, forming an election precinct.

The northeast precinct was No. 1 and named Sand Creek. The house of Stanbury WRIGHT was designated as the place of holding elections; Stanbury WRIGHT, Levi S. TERWILLGER, Sr., and Johnson DADY appointed as judges of the election.

The northwest precinct was No. 2 and named Platte. The house of Garrett BIRD was designated as the place of holding elections; Garrett BIRD, Norval BRIDGES, and Rowlan ANDREWS appointed as judges of the election.

The southwest precinct No. 3 was named West Fork, to hold elections at John McGAUGHEY'S cabin; John McGAUGHEY, Joel CHAMBERS, and William LOVEWELL names as judges of the election.

The southeast precinct, No. 4, was named Lotts Creek with Joseph STRICKLAND'S cabin as the place to hold elections; Joseph STRICKLAND, William J. MERRITT, and Ephriam COFER names as election judges.

Charles Harrison SCHOOLER resigned as school fund commissioner and Harvey WAUGH was appointed in his place, but failed to qualify.

The next record the judge had received was in fees $1.75 and the clerk 25-cents, the recorder $7.60, for a total of $9.60. The divident being struck, each officer received $3.20.

A regular election for the county and township officers was scheduled the first Monday in August of 1855 with the election returns to taken to the cabin of Ephriam COFER.

Court was adjourned.

On July 18, 1855, a report of Peter DOZE was received and he was allowed $45 for assessing. No appeals were made from the assessment, each of the four precincts being declared a district and entitled to a supervisor.

On August 8, 1855, the only business transacted besides appointing Wendall POOR as school fund commissioner, was fixing bonds as follows: Justice, $1,000; Constable, $500; Treasurer, $5,000; Sheriff, $5,000.

On September 4, 1855, the fees were again pooled and divided. Total sum of $16.75, each officer being awarded $5.58 which added to his former dividend made $8.75 leaving a balance due each officer, from the county for the quarter's service ending August 8, 1855.

October 1, 1855. The tax levy was as follows: County purposes 4 mills on the dollar. The State purposes 1 1/4 mills. School purposes 1/2 mill. Road purposes 1/2 mill. Road poll tax, $1,00. Poll tax, 50-cents. This court session was held in Mount Ayr in Barton B. DUNNING'S kitchen.

On the petition of Mary IMUS, George W. LESAN was appointed guardian of the minor children of Horation IMUS (deceased), Clark, Daniel, Seth, Luke, Andrew, Sarah, Leonard, Lewis, and Luther. [Horatio IMUS drowned while moving his family to Ringgold County.]

October 2, 1855, a settlement was made with Charles Harrison SCHOOLER, collector, appointed by Judge LOWE to collect taxes of Ringgold County for years of 1853 and 1854. He was charges with $104.46 and credited with $80.46, leaving $24 on hand.

November 5, 1855, the first business taken up was the disposition of three guns, sixteen steel traps, belonging to the Indians who were removed from the county on July 30, 1855, and the amount to be applied on the cost of their removal which was $86.55 as follows: Catherine HIMES, $3.50; Henry ROWLAN, $3.00; Henry BROADWATER, $2.50; Peter DOZE, $5.00; Wendall POOR, $2.50; N. W. DeWITTE, $3.00; F. A. MILSAP, $5.20; Josiah ALDRIDGE, $2.50; Henry SKIDMORE, $1.75; John SKIDMORE, 250 pounds of beef, $10.00; Barton B. DUNNING, $10; William HAVILAND, $1.75; David EDWARDS, $3.00; F. M. MILSAP, 765 pounds of beef at 4-cents per pound, $30.00; Total $86.85. No itemized bills except the beef, said sale to be on the first Monday in December at Mount Ayr.

The first marriage license in Ringgold County was issued to James O. LOCKWOOD and Lucy GORE.

On October 1, 1855, George W. LESAN was appointed guardian of the IMUS children and had the appraisers appointed to appraise the effect of the minors. W. J. MERRITT, Barton B. DUNNING and Charles Harrison SCHOOLER were chosed and directed to meet in Mount Ayr November 5, to qualify and procced to appraise property and report as by law. Their report was filed November 8, showing property in the hands of their guardian to be $2,471.91.

The court paid Esuc L. SOLES $8.50 for making 5 ballot boxes for the election.

On December 24, 1855, it is recorded that Josiah TURNER made application Judge HAGANS, not being acquainted with Eliza Ann, required proof of her age and competency and on December 25, 1855, Bazil (sic) TURNER testified that she was of lawful age and mind. There upon the second marriage license was issued.

December records show a warrant issued to James WHITE for 50-cents for postage paid by him at Chariton on the laws of Ringgold County.

January 9, 1856, Levi S. TERWILLIGER presented a belated claim in connection with the removal of the Indians of $2.00 for two bushels of meal. It was allowed.

The county officers settled their fee accounts: County Judge had received $6.75; Treasurer-Recorder, $26.80; Grand Total $33.55, each receiving one-half, or $16.77 1/2. The amount was ordered paid from county funds on hand after deducting warrants paid: state funds in treasury, $41.06 3/4; school funds, $14.42 1/2; road and bridge funds, $23.44 1/2. The amount was produced and counted and filed.

Hiram IMUS, first sheriff of Ringgold County, presented a claim for his services for one-fourth of a year and the sum of $1.25, and one-tenth of the judge's salary was allowed.

Five marriage licenses were issued in the first six months of 1856: William CAVIN and Mary IMUS, February 27, this being the third marriage in the county; James SHAHA and Elizabeth STRICKLAND, March 12; Robert TAYLOR and Jane BONNER, April 25; Lewis W. DAVID and Martha MURPHY, May 16; Noah ADDINGTON and Mary Jane GARRETT, June 5.

On March 4, 1856, to better suit the people of the central part of the county, a township to be known as Mount Ayr Township was established, consisting of sections 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 of what is now Rice Township; sections 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 34, 35, 36 of what is now Washington Township; sections 19, 20, 21, 28, 29, 30, 31, 36 of what is now Liberty Township; sections 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 16, 17, 18 of what is now Poe Township, as Mount Ayr Township now.

The Records say the election of officers for said township of Mount Ayr shall take place the first Monday of April, 1856, in Mount Ayr at the house of David EDWARDS.

On April 7, 1856, the court adjourned to meet in Mount Ayr at the house of A. W. TICE on April 8, 1856. Then court adjourned April 19 to meet in Mount Ayr on the first Monday in May, 1856. From this time on, no mention is made of the place where court was held. The first log courthouse was built on May 10, 1856. Clara (HAGANS) HARVEY wrote in a letter that the first log courthouse was not really called a courthouse when her father, Judge James C. HAGANS, caused it to be made, but called it his office. The officers of the county court met at homes until September 2nd or 4th when they adjourned to meet in Mount Ayr on the first Monday in October of 1856 in Barton B. DUNNING'S kitchen.

The log courthouse was a 14-foot square building and was destoryed by a cyclone during a session of the court on June 8, 1858. Many county documents were destroyed along with the courthouse.

On July 1, 1856, the new county was eighteen months old and a census was taken, as follows:

[See census at web page, link below]

September 2 and 3, 1856. The town lots were sold at public auction. Fifty-nine lots were sold for a total of $2,735.25. The highest priced lot was 367 where SIMPSON'S store was later located, sold to Sanford HARROW for $126. Lot 268 sold for $109.75 to Sanford HARROW. James C. COFER bought the corner lot south for $115. Lots 302-303 on the south side of the square were bought for $61.50 and $79 respectfully - this being where JACOBS Fur business and Jack FARABEE are now [1936].Lot 203, an eighth of a block in size, ws sold to George W. WILSON for $110.50 and settled for by James H. RUBY, this being the lot were the I.O.O.F building, R. C. SMITH and Grant and Elmer HAYES are located [1936].

Bernard PRESTON bought lots 135 and 136 for $61 and $71. John C. STEWARD purchased lots 137 and 138, where [in 1936] HARDEN'S residence and the feed store stands, for $70 and $80. The bargains of the day were lots 195 and 196, selling for $11 and $15. The south one of these is across the street and east of Fred JOHNSON'S blacksmith shop and is now owned [1936] by Mrs. Charles TEALE.

On September 5, 1856, Wendell POOR, William J. MERRITT, Isaac W. KELLER, John STROUSE, and John D. CARTER were appointed to appraise the lots that had been improved according to the agreement previously made. These lots were appraised and most of the men settled for the lots. At a subsequent meeting, a notice was ordered to be served on those who did not - that if lots were not settled for within 30 days, the county judge would sell to some one else on March 27, 1857. The county judge sold lot 176 for $90 to Simon V. WALTERS, on-fourth to be paid for incase, one-fourth in six months, one-fourth in twelve months, and one-fourth in eighteen months. This lot is the one where the Record-News now is located, and all the buildings north and south from the street to the alley.

The first revenue received from fines: a fine paid by Silas TEDROW for Robert TAYLOR for assault and battery of the person of A. J. CUNNINGHAM on October 25, 1856.

On January 5, 1857, John R. BISHOP provided timber for a bridge. H. ARNETT and C. N. HUMPHREY appraised it and he received $2.25.

The next business taken up was to supply the county courthouse with fuel, light and stationery, which heretofore had been furnished by Judge HAGANS at his own expense. Ann allowance was ordered to Joshua CHANCE for two and one-half cords of wood at $2 per cord, $5 total. Allowance was made to A. G. BEALL for $3 for chopping wood, lining office, and to McMULLEN and HUMPHREY for two loads of wood at 80-cents per load, $1.60 total. Allowance to David EDWARDS for four loads of wood at 80-cents per load, total $3.20. Allowance to JENNINGS and SMITH of St. Joseph, Mo., for a 40-pound box of star candles at 28 1/2-cents per pound, $11.40 total; and allowance to Van LEAR and BRITTEN for two boxes of envelopes at $3.50.

On February 2, 1857, the court ordered Barton B. DUNNING to be paid $6.50 for work on a bridge to the following: Barton B. DUNNING, $3; William H. BRADLEY, $1.50; Samuel ALLISON, 50-cents; I. T. DOUGLAS, 50-cents; David EDWARDS, 50-cents; Elijah WALDRON, 50-cents; total $6.50. Thomas MARSHALL was allowed $14.68 for 754 feet planking at 2-cents per foot, for a bridge.

William WALTERS was allowed $3.75 for a drum for the store in the log courthouse on February 7, 1857.

David LESAN complained of having been charged with poll tax for the year 1856. It being evident that he was a cripple, he was released from paying road or poll tax.

On February 19, 1857 Samuel BAIRD, supervisor of West Fork Township, was allowed $22 for extra services.

On April 7, 1857, a contract was let to H. CRABLE for plank at $20 per thousand for the first Ringgold County jail. Thomas MARSHALL was awarded a contract for the jail lumber at the same price, all to be delivered to Mount Ayr.

On April 9th, the court opened and persuant to adjournment, the clerk, Randolph SRY being present, the fee book accounts were taken up. For the county judge this had never been done since he held the office for the want of an officer to take his place and do the same. So James C. HAGANS vacated his seat and Randolph SRY took his place as acting judge to go into the examination of said judge's accounts. Everything was found to be correct and it was found that the sum of $90.12 1/3 was due to the judge to date on April 15, 1857. The county treasurer, James C. COFER, having resigned and vacted the office, left his deputy, A. G. BEALL, to settle up the affairs of that office. Settlement was made and A. G. BEALL was appointed to fill the office of treasurer-recorder until the next election in August of 1857.

On May 4, 1857, Ith S. BEALL was allowed $138 for going to Fort Des Moines and paying for the field notes and bringing them to Mount Ayr. The field notes were $120, mileage $16, and transportation $2. Joseph SALTZMAN was allowed $3.25 for transportation and storage for a box of books for the county.

In August of 1857, the first records of trial jurors in the county was recorded. The first business was the list of petitioners in attendance in May of 1857, to wit: Sanford HARROW, David M. LESAN, John C. STEWART, William SKINNER, William FRANCIS, Thomas MARSHALL, Henry CRABB, William M. WALTERS, A. W. TICE, Samuel ALLISON, A. J. McCLURG, L. S. TERWILLGER. They were in attendance two days and were allowed $2 each, Total $30.

The first attachment on record was issued to William HARROCKS a against Johnny SKIDMORE for $100, it being claimed under oath the was about to leave the state.

On September 7, 1857, the second petit jurors and the first grand jurors on record were drawn.

The petit jurors weres: RObert W. SHAFER, John SNYDER, Jesse JOSEPH, Aaron M. CALVERT, John DWYER, Daniel L. BARKER, James A. DRAKE, D. C. ABARR, Henry ROWLAND, David EDWARDS, Elijah CORNWALL, John M. SHOCKLEY, William M. CARLISLE, John POWELL, and John HACKER.

The grnd jurors were John SHIELDS, William C. HARVEY, Michael STAHL, Isaac OLIVER, Thomas M. HALL, John CARMEN, Gabriel HOFFMAN, W. A. MILLSAP, Henry ARNETT, John MORGAN, Edward HATCH, Henry J. DeWITTE, William Arnett, and Reuben MOULTON.

September 8, 1857. Procurring stone for the first jail foundation and to wall up two wells. They decided to post an advertisment for bids for 45 perches of stone.

October 4, 1857. A peddler's license was issued to August OPPENHEIMER to peddle dry goods, fancy notions for one year with a carriage drawn by one horse. The fee was $25, paid to the county treasurer for the benefit of the state.

Among the 1857 marriage licenses issued: Esuc L. SOLES applied for the marriage license of Jasper HAGANS and Sarah Jane SOLES, March 29, fee $1; Ambrose WRIGHT and Ruth C. GOODELL, the groom-to-be making affadavit as the bride-to-be's age, April 2; John M. PARKER and Elizabeth MERRITT, April 4; Isaac C. SPICER and Elizabeth SHAW with her father S. D. SHAW testifying to Elizabeth's age to the court, April 4; Andrew F. WALTERS and Lucinda MARTIN, April 10 with William MARTIN providing proof of his daughter Lucinda's age; and, Jacob CASTEEL and Laura Ann CONLEY with Mial CONLEY'S written consent, April 21.

The county built a new, larger, and better framed courthouse out of native lumber 1859 for a cost of $3,500. This courthouse served for 25 years.

On Thanksgiving Day, 1889, the second wood-framed building was destroyed by fire, burning to the ground. Fortunately, construction on the 3rd courthouse had already begun on a third courthouse.

On January 11, 1861, there was a motion before the court to appoint a committee to plant trees and sow blue grass seed in the Mount Ayr park. Isaac W. KELLER was appointed as chairman of the committee. Nothing was done for some time. George W. LESAN and two or three other men sent to Kentucky for blue grass seed and sowed it in the park. In the second year, they came and cut the grass and took it home and threshed it out. George W. LESAN hauled his share home in a wagon box. This was the start of blue grass in Ringgold County.

The 3rd courthouse was completed at a cost of $36,455. This courthouse, constructed out of brick and stone served Ringgold County well for approximately 40 years. Inferior brick and lack of drainage caused extensive damage. It was ultimately condemned in 1921 and torn down after it was sold for $500 cash.

The county offices were situated in a part of a garage [where the Napa Auto Parts is currently located] for several years. In 1926, the voters of Ringgold County approved the construction of a new courthouse. Made of brick, the new courthouse has three stories and was completed at a total cost of $132,533. It continues to serve Ringgold County courthouse to the present day.



County Superintendents of Schools

1855 Charles Harrison SCHOOLER
school fund commissioner
1855 Wendell POOR, appointment
1858-59 Wendell POORE, elected
1860-61 A. G. BEALL
1862-63 Edgar SHELDON
1864-65 W. F. LAUGHLIN
1866-67 Andrew JOHNSTON
1868 Henry W. ROSS

resigned in September
1868-69 W. C. ANDREWS
1870-71 W. J. BUCK
1872-73 R. F. ASKREN
1874-79 W. J. WORK
1880-81 W. E. ANDREWS
1882-87 T. E. DUBOIS
1888-89 Jas. W. GANDER
1890-91 John RICHARDSON
1892-98 J. W. WILKINSON
1899-1902 J. C. BENNETT
1903-08 Lora L. RICHARDSON
1909-15 Etta J. RIDER
1915-24 Louis ASKREN
1924-27 Olive MANLEY
1927-33 Silva DOLCHECK
1933-1966 Vera DICKENS

Clerks of Court

1855 Matthew B. BROWN

resigned 10 Oct 1855
1855-56 Andrew TICE
1856-60 Randolph SRY
1861 F. F. HOWE

died in office
1861-64 Ith S. BEALL
1865-70 Thomas ROSS
1871-72 H. C. ANDREWS
1873-78 George S. ALLYN
1879-84 Thomas LIGGETT
1885-91 James H. BURKE
1892-95 J. S. EVERETT
1896-1902 C. G. STRANAHAN
1903-09 Joseph HOLDEN
1910-15 H. S. TYRELL
1916-22 W. M. McCANDLESS
1923-29 Perry L. STEPHENSON
1929-30 Ebon C. McANINCH

died in office
1930-31 Curt HAAS

1931-35 Mary E. BOYLES
1935-39 Asa W. HUGGINS

Ringgold County Judges

1855-59 James C. HAGANS
1860-62 Isaac W. KELLER

resigned Sep 1862

enlisted in Civil War
1862 Wendell POOR

1862-65 Wendell POOR
1866-67 Isaac KELLER
1868-69 John T. WILLIAMS

office abolished 1868

WILLIAMS assumed auditor duties

Ringgold County Auditors

1869 John T. WILLIAMS
1870-75 John McFARLAND
1876-79 R. F. ASKREN
1880-81 J. C. ASKREN
1882-85 J. E. DOZE
1886-89 Henry H. ROSS
1890-95 Edgar SHELDON
1896-1903 Joseph WALL
1904-09 Jesse SNEDAKER
1910-15 Tom W. NAPIER
1916-24 E. E. CORNWALL
1925-26 Clarence PALMER
1927-33 Homer A. FOSTER
1934-36 F. F. FOGLE

Ringgold County Attorneys
NOTE: The district attorneys performed duties of the county attorney until 1887.

01 Jan 1887 - 01 Jan 1889 R. F. ASKREN
01 Jan 1889 - 01 Jan 1893 R. H. SPENCE
01 Jan 1893 - 01 Jan 1899 F. K. REYNARD
01 Jan 1899 - 01 Jan 1905 F. F. FULLER
01 Jan 1905 - 01 Jan 1909 R. C. HENRY
01 Jan 1909 - 01 Jan 1915 C. J. LEWIS
01 Jan 1915 - 01 Jan 1917 George BARTOW
01 Jan 1917 - 01 Jan 1919 Frank LEWIS
01 Jan 1919 - 01 Jan 1923 F. K. REYNARD
01 Jan 1923 - 01 Jan 1929 Grant HAYES
01 Jan 1929 - 01 Jan 1931 A. I. SMITH
01 Jan 1931 - 01 Jan 1935 Grant HAYES
01 Jan 1935 Emmett WARIN

Ringgold County Treasurer and Recorder, Combined Office Until 1865

1855-57 Joseph COFER
1857-59 A. G. BEALL
1860-61 John BIRKHIMER
1862 Alex J. HUGGINS

resigned in September
1862 John T. WILLIAMS

1863-65 John T. WILLIAMS

Ringgold County Treasurer, Separate Office After 1865

1865-67 John T. WILLIAMS
1868-71 C. W. DRAKE
1872-75 Allen HIGGINS
1876-79 Henry TODD
1880-86 A. M. POOR
1886-95 Thomas CAMPBELL
1896-1901 J. P. PATTERSON
1902-1906 W. S. BERKEY
1907-08 J. E. LESAN

resigned in the fall
1908-1909 R. A. LAWHEAD

1909-1916 R. A. LAWHEAD
1917-1924 E. K. ALLEN
1925-1933 Lucy KIDNEY
1933- Earl T. HOOVER

Ringgold County Recorder, Separate Office After 1865

1865-66 Wendell POOR
1867-72 Warren R. TURK
1873-74 Hugh A. WHITE
1875-76 B. F. DAY
1877-82 H. H. PARSONS
1883-87 John C. McCLURG
1888-94 B. F. TALLEY
1895-1900 C. S. PALMER
1901-06 O. M. GALLOWAY
1907-12 G. W. WRIGHT
1913-22 C. E. THOMPSON
1923-29 Mabel CAMPBELL
1929-33 Mrs. Lillian RUSK
1933-36 Joe CLEMONS

LESAN, Mrs. B. M. Early History of Ringgold County: 1844 - 1937 p. 27-31. Blair Pub. House. Lamoni IA. 1937.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2010

1st Term of Ringgold County Court & Ringgold Co. Officials

Ringgold Documents maintained by Tony Mercer.
WebBBS 4.33 Genealogy Modification Package by WebJourneymen

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