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Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 8/1/2009 at 03:35:08


Written by EUNICE BEALL MOFFATT, his wife
1934 A.D.

Dedicated to the MOFFATT descendants,
who receive it with appreciaton and
a full understanding of the gracious
act of love and labor.


by W. W. MOFFATT, Mount Ayr, Iowa, A.D. 1934

Back to the country of my ancestors I go,
in memory of happenings of the long ago.
To say that country is a fairyland you can find by reading "Evangeline" - which description is better than mine. The hills and valleys, mountains and lakes are a wonderland.

The two important cities of Cape Breton Island are Sydney and North Sydney - one on each side of the "most beautiful harbor in the world" - quoted by Charles Moffatt. This harbor lies northeast to southwest, a distance of about fifteen miles.

My great grandfather was James Moffatt, who died in 1825. Our grandfather, John Moffatt, located on the north side of the harbor, about two miles from the entrance, where he purchased one-hundred acres of land back to the hills.

This was just after the country was taken by the English from the French. This land is now very valuable for its coal.

At that time it was covered with excellent saw-timber. Great grandfather started a shipyard at this place. Also a tannery.

A man by the name of Archibald, operated a general merchandise store. Great grandfather's business was building and repairing boats. Here is where the large boat Isabella was built and launched. Here grandfather, the only child, inherited as nearly as we can tell, in the year 1790 or before. Here grandfather married Mary Ray about this time, and here their sixteen children were born, fourteen growing to be men and women - John, Thomas, Hannah, Steven, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Tabitha, George, William, Charles, Margaret, Peter and Fred. Two died in infancy.

Uncle Charles went through the ice Christmas-day when he was twenty-one years old, out skating. His body was never recovered.

Father, Peter Moffatt, worked on the farm with grandfather. Father, when young, learned the shoe-maker's trade. Later he helped grandfather in the shipyard and on the farm. Twelve years of his labor was lost, by their going security on notes for Archibald, which gave him a lasting impression never to go as security, or never to go in debt.

About one mile up the harbor and on the opposite side, was the home of grandfather Grant. The land is now owned by a company, it being very rich in copper ore. All the buildings were removed. They were as one in affection. We saw John Grant's daughter, Matilda, when in Nova Scotia in 1926. She distinctly remembered when she stood up with my father and mother at their wedding when she was five years old.

About a mile up the harbor from Grandfather Grant's home was the Andrews' home, and a mile from them, the Campbell home.

All these families were closely associated and in the same group of young people. Grandfather Grant's wife was Ann Love Musgrave. Their family consisted of Charles, Caroline, Alexander, George, Eliza and Ann. Later, by a second wife, Bessie.

The first marriage in this group was Peter Andrews and Caroline Grant. Their first daughter, now Ann Stevens, will be ninety years old April 27th, 1934. Henry Andrews was born in 1845, and died in 1903. Elizibeth, was born in 1846, is now Mrs. Blades and lives in Colorado.

November 12, 1851, my father, Peter Moffatt (born August 15, 1823) was married to Eliza Grant. She was born March 5, 1831. To this union was born Fatima Moffatt-Tilbury, September 29, 1852, Mary Moffatt-Stockton, April 13, 1854, Bessie, in 1856, lived three months, William Wallace, July 27, 1860, (first one born in Iowa), George Duncan, October 1, 1862, Anna Caroline Moffatt Kater, April 20, 1866.

The families were all contented and happy in or near North Sydney until the death of Caroline Grant-Andrews, June 4, 1857. The grief occasioned by this loss caused Rev. Peter Andrews (he had become a Baptist preacher) to seek a new home in the United States.

He anticipated locating in Kansas but while on the boat from St. Louis to St. Joseph, he encountered a number of slaveholders abusing their slaves. He remonstrated with them and they were going to throw him overboard, but the captain locked him in his own cabin, so he would safely reach his destination. Arriving at St. Joseph, he found there was such agitation in Kansas over the slave question, he decided to go to Iowa. He came to Mt. Ayr, at that time having only a few houses. Not finding government land he could enter he started to Taylor County, hiring a horse. He met Mr. Stewart living near the Missouri line, whom he had previously met near Mt. Ayr.

Mr. Stewart told him he would find him eighty acres of land in Ringgold County that he could enter. This he did, and it is now the home of his ninety year old daughter, Mrs. Stephens. The glowing accounts of the immense prairies, fine timber land and beautiful streams of water, were sent home to the relatives, with the view of bringing them to this country. Immediately father's mind was made up to go west, and he planned to come in 1858. William Campbell left Cape Breton in about 1826 for the United States. He went to Florida, married a lady there of considerable wealth. Her brother and William Campbell were partners in wagon-making and general blacksmithing. In 1857 his wife died, and in the summer of 1858 he visited his old home near Sydney. Here he met Ann Grant, a beautiful talented young lady of twenty-four. She at first refused his attentions, but his promises to immediately free his slaves and dispose of all Florida property, and join the party coming to Iowa, changed her mind. They were married, and all left on the same boat for Boston, Mass., making a party of sixteen. Mrs. Munn, (Mrs. Ross's sister), Ben Moore and wife, Vina, Robert, Joe and Charles Moore, his children, Peter and Eliza Moffatt and children, Fay and Mary; Ann, Elizabeth and Henry Andrews, William and Ann Campbell. In crossing the Bay of Fundy, a heavy storm struck them, driving them a hundred miles out of their course, scudding before the wind. (Related by Ann Stephens.) The party visited a few days in Boston with uncle George Grant, then the Campbells went on to Florida, and the others took boat for Portland, Me., thence to Toronto, Canada by rail, - from there to Chicago by way of the Great Lakes - thru the Straits of Mackinaw.

Father's description of Chicago at this time, was not much there and the worst kind of streets. No pavements. From Chicago they went to St. Louis by rail. From St. Louis to St. Joseph by boat, the boat being so heavily loaded it took eight days to make the trip, or about forty miles a day. At St. Joseph, a man with a team was engaged to take them to John Ross's, between forty and fifty miles, near what is now Stanberry, Mo.

This gave the Nova Scotians a chance to get thoroughly acquainted with Missouri mud. It rained nearly all the time, taking two days to make that trip. The men walked nearly all the way. Arriving at John Ross's, mother was a victim of quinsy*, and was not able to be moved. Father came on to see uncle Peter Andrews, accompanied by the Andrews children.

There they found uncle William Campbell, who had preceded them, from Florida. He bought the Zook farm, joining the Andrews' farm. He then returned to Florida. Father went back to Ross's in about a month and brought mother to Iowa, where they all wintered with uncle Peter Andrews in a small log-house with a fireplace in one end. The larder became very low. Fresh meat was scarce.

Henry made a coup (sic) with cornstalks and sticks and put it in the buckwheat patch to catch prairie-chickens. One of the Walters boys showed him how to make triggers to hold the coup up to catch them. The first day Henry noticed his coup was sprung and full of chickens. He rushed out to hold the coup down, calling for mother to come and help him. She felt very grateful for such an abundant supply of needed food and made the remark, "The Lord will provide", but Henry said she did not give him a bit of credit for his part.

Father, in looking for a location for a home, decided to buy forty acres of land of George Walter, at five dollars an acre. This joined forty acres that he could enter from the government at a dollar and a quarter an acre. This constitues the old home know as the Moffatt eighty. I do not think this land was ever mortgaged. With uncle Peter's and Henry Andrews' help, the winter of 1858-59, they worked in the woods, Henry Andrews hauling logs to the mill with a yoke of oxen, the others remaining to chop.

In the spring they commenced a frame house, fourteen by eighteen feet, fireplace in the east end. The lath and shingles were hand made. "Uncle" Joe Woods, who came from England, and lived a mile north, did the plastering. It is mostly there yet and firm to this day. Father had very little time for gardening and raising corn while building the house.

In November of 1850, uncle Peter Andrews took his oxen and went to Denver, Mo., for corn, paying one dollar a bushel, and bought a load of it and cornmeal. The night he got back with his load, he saw the light in the window, and trying to reach it, got to one side in the cellar-drain, and the folks in the house heard him calling "Help! Help!" so went and found him with his load stuck in the drain. The winter was very severe and hardships numerous for the new colony. Father's first bay mare and one-horse-wagaon was bought from a Missouri man and was the means of conveyance for about three years.

They still used oxen and sleigh in winter. In 1863 father traded a yoke of oxen for old Kit. She had been stolen in Missouri and after father heard that, they were worried for some time for fear the owners would come to take her, but they did not, and she proved to be a great money maker, her colts selling for one-hundred to one-hundred-fifty dollars at two to four years old. Her last colt lived to the age of twenty-six years on the farm.

In 1860, Uncle Peter Andrews married Elizibeth Walter. In the spring of 1860, uncle William Campbell came with his family from Florida. Their oldest son, Alexander, was born in 1861. Cy. Andrews was also born in 1861. George Moffatt was born in 1862. Our parents were quite proud of the new force of boys coming on to follow the plow. Uncle William built a large barn in 1863. Ben. Moore, who had located in Stanberry, Mo., was the head carpenter for uncle William's building.

In 1863, Henry Andrews went to fight in the civil war. In 1864, Ben. Moore joined the army. He was soon taken sick and sent home on furlough, and only lived a few months, his being the first death of those coming together in 1868 (?). He left nine children fatherless, his second wife having three little boys. Uncle John Ross was appointed administrator and guardian.

In 1865, uncle George Grant was our first relative to visit from the old home. He and Will Campbell made a trip to Ottumwa for fruit-trees. On their way home, they encounted an awful wind and rainstorm. The first gust tore every button off of uncle George's rain-coat and when it was over, they were thoroughly drenched.

Uncle William Campbell gave an apple-tree to each brother George and myself, and they bore fruit and lived to a considerable age.

Henry Andrews returned from the war in 1865. Father helped uncle Peter and Henry Andrews put up their hay that fall. As I sat on old Kit, I remember Henry coming up and teasing me till I lost my temper.

In 1866-67, father built on more house-room. In 1867, Susan Moore and family moved from the Ross' neighborhood to Iowa, making their home with father for the first winter. Sister Fay and Vina Moore attended school in Mt. Ayr, Vina boarding with J. F. Mounts, and Fay with Dr. Merrills, each working their board.

Uncle Fred Moffatt came in 1868 to seek a home. He helped father on the farm most of the summer, and worked at the carpenter trade in Mt. Ayr. In the fall of 1869, both Fay and Vina taught their first terms of school, Vina the Baird School, near Redding, Fay the John Scott school, near where Kellerton was located later.

Here Fay boarded at the Guile home, Flo Guile being about her age. They became close friends. They names their first daughter for the other.

April, 1870 was the saddest day our colony ever experienced, Ann Grant-Campbell passing away, leaving a daughter a few days old.

Christmas-day, uncle William Campbell and boys were at father's for dinner. After dinner, we boys out at play, saw black smoke pouring out of the flue of their home, two miles away. We hurried to tell the folks, and about this time the fire came out of the upstairs window. Father jumped on a horse, and uncle William hitched up and followed as fast as possible. There was not much saved out of the house. Tom Campbell and family were living there. They went into a large log-house nearby for a temporary home.

Uncle William, Charles and the baby made their home with us for several months. In the fall of 1870, mother and uncle William made a visit to Boston and, I think, to Nova Scotia.

Father had bought a side-saddle for my sisters and July 4, 1971 (sic, should be 1871), my sister Molly and I went to Mt. Ayr to the celebration. About four o'clock, Molly found me and said, "let us start for home at once. It is going to rain". We mounted our horses and hurried for home. We watched the clouds very closely, but when near the farm afterwards the Hunter farm, a very sharp streak of lightening and heavy clapp of thunder came and we were sure the rain would catch us. Molly tucked her had (sic) under her skirt to save it, and we speeded on as fast as our horses could carry us. Molly's long black hair streaming at full length behind. We could have turned in at Walters or Edd Stucks but Molly said, "No, home", and we got into the barn just as the storm struck. In the spring of 1872, Molly went to Corning to work at the millinery trade, and boarded with uncle Peter Andrews. July 4, 1872, uncle Joe Woods and wife and Fay and I went to Corning to visit and bring Molly home. At this time I had my first sight of railroad and train.

The first day of May, 1873, sister Fay married Rev. C. Tilbury. In August of that year, they established their home in Leon, Iowa.

That summer uncle John and aunt Jane Ross visited us and Susan Moore. Sister Molly was working at the millinery trade at home. Aunt Jane persuaded mother to let her go to Mt. Pleasant, Mo., to start a millinery shop. In August, father, Molly and I went to Ross's and she stayed and went in the millinery business at the Hutten home in Mt. Pleasant. This did not last but a few months, when Molly took a partner in November, 1873, A. R. Stockton being the one in a life's partnership, living in Mt. Pleasant. He owned a nice home in town, being a widower with one son. While out riding one evening, they decided to be married in the buggy, and one of his relatives performed the ceremony, he being a Justice of the Peace. No license was needed at that time in the State of Missouri. That night they did not tell of their marriage, but she introduced Mr. Stockton as her husband at the breakfast time, next morning.

The summer of 1874, father bought his first mowing machine, paying a hundred-five dollars. He also bought the first two horse cultivator. Our heaviest work was in August and September, putting up enough hay to keep the stock through the winter. In February of 1875, two of Mr. Stockton's brothers came with teams and I went with them to Leon, where we loaded Mr. Tilbury's and their possessions into our three wagons and brought them to father's, and stayed one night there, and the Stocktons' went on with their wagons, and a few days later, the Tilburys followed, where Mr. Tilbury became pastor of the Baptist church in Mt. Pleasant, Mo. Here Flola May Tilbury was born in September 21, 1875. One month later, Gertrude Stockton was born, and only lived about a year. These were father's first grand children.

In 1876 uncle Peter Andrews made his first trip back to Nova Scotia. Before leaving there, he had preached at the old church on the Moffatt wharf, where was also located the cemetery, one or more stores and tannery. On this trip he preached in the new church which was built in North Sydney - so he had the honor of preaching in both Baptist churches. Bert Moore, Vina's brother, who had lived with his aunt in North Sydney, came back with uncle Peter to make his home in this country.

The winter of 1876-77, William Barnes taught the Caledonia school, and as I took more interest in this school than for some time, mother engaged board with uncle Joe Woods and I attended Mt. Ayr High School the spring term, George A. Slentz being teacher.

In 1876 Rev. Tilbury and family moved to Clarinda, Iowa. Sister Fay sent me an invitation to come and stay with her and attend school. I went the last week in September, 1877, but the new school building was not completed until the first of January, 1878. October I worked gathering corn for a Mr. Butler, ten miles south, took typhoid fever and was sick in November and December. In July, 1878, a young Mr. Martin and I went to Essex to harvest. We hired to a Mr. Johnson for a dollar fifty per day, binding wheat. My shoes rubbed my heels until I could not wear them. Then I worked in my sock feet for a day. Imagine the condition of my feet and hands, but thanks to a great downpour of rain which lasted a day and a half, Mr. Martin and I went to the river and kept our hands and feet in water all day, not even going home for dinner. After this, all the briars and blades of wheat had no effect on me. We worked over two weeks here, when another heavy rain stopped all harvesting. Martin and I started for our Clarinda home, bare footed, crossing streams out of banks. One place I went clear under but struck the bank on the other side and climbed out.

Then Martin went some distance up the stream to get across the ditch while I waited. Talk about fun - yes he had our fun. Arrived at Sister Fay's without dinner, after a fourteen mile tramp. Went to school again this year of 1878-79. In October, 1878, Belle Tilbury was born and Truman Stockton in April of 1878.

In the summer of 1879 I decided to come home to work on the farm, coming by rail through Villisca and Afton. The Mt. Ayr bus (or stage,) - they called it, had gone, so I started afoot from Afton about one o'clock P.M. Two miles out, I saw an old gentleman eating and feeding his team, so stopped to talk. I told him where I was going and asked to ride. He said he was going to Eagleville, by Mt. Ayr and Caledonia.

He was loaded, so I asked to ride on the level and down hill. He readily agreed. We got to Eugene near sundown. A black storm-cloud was right on our heels. I suggested we stop -- he though we could go further. I said, "No, I stop at this house", I asked the lady if I could stay over-night. I told her of the old gentleman, and could he stay. She said "yes" to both questions. I ran out to tell him and before he could get his team put away, one of the heaviest rains I ever saw, came down. He had his own bedding and she had a good wood-house or summer kitchen and he suggested we sleep there. She said it would not cost us anything, so there we slept. The next morning was bright.

I rolled my pants to my knees and started afoot without breakfast, and was in sight of Mt. Ayr before I thought possible. I washed off my feet, put on my shoes and went to a restaurant for dinner. I looked around for someone from Caledonia, but not seeing any one, I resumed my journey afoot. Arrived home early in the evening, surprising the folks. This summer of 1879, brother George took the old team and went to seek his fortune working on the new railroad west of Kellerton, near the Burns' farm. He and George and James Farmer thought they were having a picnic, and prevailed on me to go also. I took a fine young sorrel team, known as Barney and Blaze. As I passed through Caledonia, Madison Sullivan said he would rather have what I took off of the team than all I would make. I told him I would look out for the team.

The first week I had a picnic with the others. The second week was very hot and I was very sick all one night, and a heavy rain that night stopped the work for a day.

I returned home not much wealthier, but wiser. A year later, Rev. J. H. Tedford of Mt. Ayr bought Blaze, and Rev. Allen of Kellerton bought Barney. The first of September, I returned to school at Clarinda. Father made sister Fay a present of the mare known as little Bird. In January, 1880, brother George came to Clarinda and bought Bird for fifty-dollars. Mr. Tilbury now decided to go to Stanberry, Mo., and run a grocery store. This town had been started October 9, 1879. He moved there about February 15, 1880.

I worked for him a month in the grocery. The 20th of March, I hired to Alex Stockton, who lived three miles away on his farm; he to pay me $16.00 per month for six months. I expected to return to school at Clarinda. Mr. Stockton made me an offer of $17.00 per month for a year if I would remain with him. I went over to Clarinda at the time of the Fair there, and on looking around, did not find a boarding place to my liking, so returned to accept Mr. Stockton's offer.

He was feeding fifty-six head of cattle. They sold about June 1, 1887, making a nice profit. The summer was very favorable, and we got a fine crop of corn off of one hundred acres. In November, he put eight-one head of cattle on feed. My business was to feed the cattle and then gather corn the rest of the time. The corn was cribbed by the first of December. Holiday week, I came home for a week.

While at home, father bought the Medaris' farm, one-hundred acres for fourteen hundred and fifty dollars. January 16, 1881, Irvin Roy Stockton was born. I had the pleasure of getting out at two o'clock in the morning, and riding Jeff Davis, the old horse, a distance of three miles of icy roads, to Stanberry, to summon the Doctor. He told me to go on and he would overtake me, but he nearly failed, for I was at the home gate when he came. I walked (or ran) most of the way home in a raging snow storm. I took the Doctor's horse while he went to the house. Then I hitched the mules to the sled and went half a mile for Mr. Stockton's father and mother, arriving about daylight. Then was announced the arrival of a fine boy. After the chores, the next trip was to Stanberry for Alex's sister, Mrs. Flowers. The storm lasted for about a week, blowing, snowing and drifting. Alex and I were as busy as bees taking care of things. He also fed the chickens at his father's. One day the mule he was riding, mired in the snow and Alex rolled off and landed in a ditch six feet deep. For references of this storm, ask any one who lived in 1881.

My year being up in September, Mother and George came to take me home the fifteenth. The sixteenth, we had a good heavy snow storm which only lasted a few hours. In November, Geoge went and helped Alex Stockton a month, gathering corn.

The corn on the Medaris farm brought thirty dollars per acre. being 75-cents per bushel. As the farm cost $14.50 per acre, if all had been in corn, it would have brought twice what he paid.

July 4, 1882, I started to Mt. Ayr to the celebration with my sister and three other young ladies. In crossing a small creek, the team and the old spring-wagon parted company, leaving the ladies in the wagon in the stream, I jumping and landing on the bank holding the team. I rolled my pants to my knees, took off my shoes and socks, threw in a log and got them on the bank -- they gathered brush and I lifted the wagon, one wheel at a time, and got it out, resuming our journey. The only damage was to my Sunday-breeches, which were bursted at the crotch, but repaired with pins by my sister.

July 4, 1883, brother George was married to Lennie Sullivan. In September, the cattle were sold, and the last debt on the Medaris farm was paid.

July 26, 1884, Ada Fay Moffatt was born. In October, we bought from Ira Cooper the eighty acres across the road from the old home, price $1050.00. In 1885, Georgia Emma Tilbury was born.

In 1886, father, A. R. Stockton and wife and Irwin Stockton, went to Nova Scotia, Mother going with them to Boston and Springfield, where she visited her brothers. They stayed a month at Father's old home in Cape Breton.

In February, 1887, Anna Moffatt was married to C. F. Kater, and in September, 1888, Bessie Fay Kater was born. The sixteenth of March, 1889, we bought 160 acres of land adjoining Lon Smith on the south. The owner offered George the land for $8.00 per acre. Also the same offer to a man named Lewis. Mr. Lewis the next day stopped to say he was going to buy the land and we could have the north half for $10.00 per acre. Father said "we will give the $8.00 for it." "No, $10.00 or I will keep it". When George and I came in from the feeding, Father gave us the report. I said to brother George, "Saddle the gray mare and I will beat him to town." I discovered him four miles from town talking to a neighbor. I turned into another road without his discovering me, went in, bought the land, had the deed recorded and returned home the same way. When he arrived and found what had been done, he was very angry and on his way home, stopped to give Father his blessing - I being absent. The same spring I was helping C. F. Kater buy horses for the eastern market. I went with a load of horses to Springfield, Mass., about the twelfth of May; Kater taking a load to Philadelphia. Prices not suiting him there, he re-loaded and went on to Springfield. They were finally sold at auction, making him a nice little depression.

The 30th and 31st of May and first of June, we had frost each morning, ending with a heavy freeze. The night of May 30th was the Johnstown flood (1889). C. F. Kater was on the first train crossing after the Johnstown bridge was repaired - I having come on the northern route a week sooner.

Uncle Alex and uncle George Grant and wives made us a visit in October, 1889. The two uncles went to visit uncle Peter Andrews at Corning, and found him quite sixk (sic). From there they visted Henry Andrews in Kearney, Nebraska. They returned by Stanberry where they visited A. R. Stockton and other relatives; Alex bringing them back to father's. We had the sad news for them that uncle Peter had passed away and uncle William Campbell was very sick. He, too, passed away a few weeks later. During the holidays, I took uncle Alex and wife to Stanberry, where they went on to St. Louis and then to their home. In January, I took uncle George and wife to Stanberry to stay a few days and then to go on to California to spent the winter.

[Peter Moffatt was born August 15, 1823; died August 26, 1894, with interment at Ringgold Cemetery.****]

On the way they stopped to see the Grand Canon (sic), and he told me to be sure to see it if I ever had the opportunity. Forty years later, we were able to take his advice. Uncle Georges visited with uncle Fred Moffatt's wife in Oakland, California and other friends, returning about the first of April to spend a few weeks, before returning to his home in Boston. While he was here, the Moffatt partnership was dissolved. Brother George got the Medaris land and the Speelman land, making 100 acres. I received the 80 acres west, across the road from the old home, and the 80 acres south of Lon Smiths.

Brother George gave father his note for $1000.00 and I for $500.00, neither of which was ever paid. From now on till his death, father and I were partners - fifty-fifty.

In June, 1891, Lydia Moffatt was born. The fall of 1892, George and Fred Wilkinson traded farms, George moving there, north of the Hunter farm on March 1, 1893. This is the 160 acres George willed to his son Ernest.

March 20, 1893, Alex Grant Moffatt was born. The summer of 1894 was known with us as the dry year. Very little corn or hay, and orchards and other trees died from drouth (sic). The fourth of July, George N. Moffatt came to visit us. In August, father took him to Stanberry, as he took sick and passed away the wenty-sixth (sic) of the same month.

Alex Stockton and family moved the fall of 1895 from Stanberry to Canon City, Colorado. In January of 1896, I visited them there.

The first of March, I rented the farm to E. R. Anderson for one year, he taking care of my stock. Mother visited through the summer with sister Fay Tilbury at Sharon, Kansas. The fifth of May, I left Mount Ayr for Boston, having in care a carload of horses for C. A. Powers.

Arrived at uncle George Grant's the evening of the tenth. He was out walking and aunt Fay and I were having a nice visit on the porch when uncle George returned. He could hardly believe his eyes, not knowing but what I was in Iowa. After a week's visit, I went to Springfield, Mass., for a week. Bought a scalper's ticket from Boston to Chicago, being at the time of the Democratic National Convention when W. J. Bryan was nominated on the platform of sixteen to one.

I returned home in time to help Anderson put up hay. In the fall, brother George and family went to visit A. R. Stockton in Canon City, Colorado, - Mother and I keeping house for them. March 1, 1897, we returned to the old home, Anderson having bought the G. S. Moore farm near Caledonia. The fall of 1897, George rented his farm to John Talley and they moved to Canon City, Colorado.

In February, 1896, I was taken sick with a pain in my side that lasted me three years or more. In June, 1893, George and I bought roundtrip tickets and met at the Omaha Exposition, exchanging them, and after a few weeks visit, each again met in Omaha. Here sister Fay met us for a few days visit at the Exposition and returned home with me where she visted till about the first of September.

George W. Moffatt, having worked for C. F. Kater during the summer, offered to care for the farm and let mother and me visit in Colorado. On leaving the old home, sister Fay said, "we three will never go out this lane again." Mother came back in February, 1899. I left Canon City for home April 27th. Ernest Moffatt was born May 16, 1999 (sic, should be 1899). The eighth of August, three teams went to Mt. Ayr for lumber to build a new house. George M. Lesan and his son Emery were the carpenters. In September, uncle Alex Grant arrived. We ate dinner in the new house Thanksgiving-day. Uncle Alex returned home in February of 1900, his son Milton needing him in the roofing business. George N. Moffatt hired to a man near Winterset, and left us the first of March.

In June of 1901, we built the barn west of the house across the road. Clay Topsy was the same age of this barn and lived to be 32 years old on the farm. In 1902 I bought the eighty acres joining our eighty on the west, for $2300.00. In October of 1902, George's oldest daughter Ada, passed away at Canon City, and they brought her body here, and sold their property there, returning to make their home. Her body interred at Ringgold cemetery beside her infant brother and sister.

[Ada Fay Moffatt, born 1884; died October 26, 1902. Infant Son Moffatt, born and died February 9, 1888. Edith L. Moffatt, born April, 1889; died August 1, 1890.****]

In September, 1903, uncle George Grant and wife and Alex and May Stockton visited us. Later in the fall, sister Mary's (Molly) health grew very poor, they went to San Diego, California to spent the winter.

November 25, 1903, I was married to Miss Eunice Beall of Mt. Ayr, Iowa and we went to St. Louis where we spent Thanksgiving. From there to Oklahoma where we spent two weeks with Rev. C. and Fay Tilbury and daughters. During January, 1904, the Dunning bank closed, and we had the heaviest sleet storm ever known here. In May, 1904, mother and sister Fay went to San Diego to be with sister Molly. In August, she passed away and was brought here for interment in Ringgold Cemetery.

[Mary "Molly" (Moffatt) Stockton, born 1854; died aged 50 years, 3 months, 28 days on August 11, 1904.****]

October, 1906, Rev. Tilbury came to make a visit of several weeks, preaching at Mt. Ayr Baptist church while here. The church built during his pastorate here and dedicated in 1871. The last buggy I bought was in 1907 - $145.00. In 1909 I bought a two-seated carriage, - $110.00. In 1911, bought a Faucer, gray percheron.

In July 1910 (July 12th) sister Fay passed away, and on November 6th, Rev. Tilbury also passed away. They were brought here and placed in the Mt. Ayr cemetery. [Fay (Moffatt) Tilbury was born in 1852; died July 11, 1911. Rev. C. Tilbury was born in 1883; died November 6, 1911. Sarah (McKibben) Tilbury, the Reverend's first wife, was born in 1840; died in 1872. They were interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr.****]

In December, 1914, mother was taken, [Eliza Ann Moffatt was born March 5, 1831; and, died December 14, 1914, with interment at Ringgold Cemetery.****], and just one year later, Alex Stockton followed. In February, 1918, we hired L. D. Holloway to manage the old farm, where he continued as manager until his death, October 3, 1931. In January of 1919, we made our first trip to Florida, spending three weeks at Pensacola, three weeks in St. Augustine, and a few days each in Jacksonville, New Orleans and Memphis.

At St. Augustine, we met brother George and wife, and her sister and husband (Andrew Richardson's) and all went to the beach a number of times and sight-seeing in general, and also attended the Billy Sunday meetings there. Returned the last of March home and paid our first income-tax.

The twenty-seventh of October, while enroute to Chicago with cattle (at Chariton, Iowa) I had my arm broken. Was in the hospital at Ottumwa for five weeks. In January, 1921, we went to Miami, Florida.

On our way home we stopped at St. Augustine, Jacksonville and Sanford, visiting with my wife's cousin, J. B. Swan. Walter Beall joined us at St. Augustine, attending the National Editors Association. In January, 1922, we again went to Miami, this time accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Fender. Here we made the acquaintance of the Doty sisters, formerly of Creston, Iowa, and roomed with them.

In February, 1922, with other Iowans, we took an all-day boat ride to Soldier's Key (a three acre island). Here we met Judge Prouty and wife of Des Moines. Mrs. Prouty was a very friendly lady and was glad to know her friends were our friends, and told us the romantic story of her aunt's life, out of which my wife composed her first and only poem, about Mrs. Willey of Mt. Ayr.

Mr. Simpson of Rockwell City, Iowa, was one of the tourists on the boat ride, and we made his acquaintance, and he asked us to call on his wife whose sister had lived in Mt. Ayr, and through them we made friends that have lasted ever since - Rutledges, Johnpeters and Whitlocks.

On the way home we stopped two days at Charleston, S.C., visiting Washington's Headquarters while there. It is yet occupied by the same family that entertained him. We went to the old church where he attended and it was also wrecked by the Charleston earthquake.

We went out to the famous flower garden, filled with azaleus, japonicas, wisteria and other georgous flowers. We stopped at Richmond and went in a taxi to view Libby prison and many historical places. Also made our first visit to Washington, D.C., and Mt. Vernon, Capitol, where congress was in session, and three days of sight-seeing, going to Alexandria, Arlington, and went up in the Washington monument. The place of greatest interest in some way, was the Smithsonian Institute.

In December, 1922, we agin went to Miami to spend the winter, stopping next door to the First Baptist church, with Mrs. Henderson.

We were near Mt. Ayr friends, Prof. and Mrs. Wilkerson, and Mrs. Hunt-Patterson and sister. We returned by St. Louis, visited the large Zoo and other places of interest, and I had my eyes examined by a fake-doctor, it proved.

I went to Mayo Brothers, Rochester, December 12, 1923, and had an operation on one of my eyes, the fourteenth, remaining in Rochester till March 1, 1923. My wife came early in January and we stayed at the Milton hotel. Here we met a number of nice people we still hear from. December 16, 1924, we again started to Miami, arriving at three o'clock in the morning of the 19th., taking rooms with a Russian-Jew lady named Skilkey, paying $55.00 per month for three months in advance. Here we had some memorable experiences. The 12th of January we took a "grand and glorious" boat ride to Fulford by the Sea, twelve miles up the bay. [NOTE: Fulford by the Sea Company, named for Captain William H. Fulford, began selling lots in 1922, with the vision of creating a perfect city. During the Florida land boom of the 1920's these lots were sometimes sold eight times before ever being recorded.] They gave us a biscuit and piece of fish for a free lunch. Then we were told what glories would occur in the next few years in the city of Fulford. We were sucked in to the tune of $2500.00. Our friends, the Rutledges, Johnpeters, Simpsons, et.al. were so sorry for us. A week later the company tried to take our lots or give us one further back. I said "my deed or my money." They stood "pat" and so did I. I sued the company, got judgement, but the company failed. All my friends bought heavily in other companies and our loss was small as compared with theirs.

During the winter we met Mr. and Mrs. Foster and Miss Price, of Albany, Mo. They also made heavy land purchases.

In December, 1926, we went to Miami and spent the winter with Miss Price, paying $60.00 a month for kitchen privileges and a cot behind a curtain with a dressing-room two feet square at the foot of the cot.

She had ten people on her premises that winter, one man on porch, one in garage and one in a tent in the yard. Those were the greatest boom days in Miami. The lot we bought was listed for sale at $7000.00. We were promised our money a number of times.

July 27, 1926, we, in company with brother George and wife, Charles Campbell and wife and sister Annie, left for Nova Scotia, starting at five in the morning. Went by Osceola, metting the Campbells at Ottumwa, where they had gone before. Arrived in Chicago early in the evening and stayed at the New Southern hotel near the lake.

Went on next morning to Detroit, staying over a day and visiting the Ford plant. Part of us went to beautiful Belle Isle in the afternoon. Went on to Buffalo, reaching there afternoon Saturday, were met at the depot by G. M. Kirby and Lyndon Berkey, who had secured a nice rooming house for us and later in the Pan American park, where the women joined us at the Rose Garden with a nice six-o'clock dinner. This park was where William McKinley was killed, and I spent three days there in 1901 at the Exposition. We all spent Saturday evening, G. M. Kirby took part of us to the Art Gallery and came and spend the evening with us. Monday morning we went to Niagara Falls, where Mrs. Maude Berkey took us in her auto to view the falls on both sides of the river, and took us to lunch.

About four o'clock we went to Toronto where we stayed over-night. next day to Montreal, where we were another night. The bus driver, a Frenchman, combined with the hotel to give the boys a gentle little shave. On leaving Montreal we crossed the river and went through a settlement where the fields were from five to ten rods wide, extending back to the hills, each field fenced with whitewashed boards. The women were helping make the hay, hauling the hay, with one-ox carts.

We crossed the highest bridge known at that time, as we entered Quebec, landing on Abraham Heights. As I remember, 350 feet above water. On leaving the depot, we climbed a steep grade. We stayed where they were all French. The woman in charge smiled at us in the universal language. We went to a French eating place, and were presented with a liquor menu. After than, they gave us a food menu, so we had to wait half an hour for our food. Next morning we found a nice restaurant, without the liquor and took our meals there the rest of our stay. We visited the old fort, climbinb (sic) one hundred sixty steps. Some took the sight-seeing bus. We took the inclined railway a quarter of a mile or so down to the old town.

We left Quebec at three in the afternoon, taking a ferry across the river. Here (at East Quebec) we took train direct to Trure (sic), Nova Scotia, arriving next day about four in the afternoon.

Truro contained beautiful shade trees and fine residences. Left next morning at nine for North Sydney. At the strait of Canso we were ferried about one and a half miles (depth of water unknown) in three sections, our train put together again on the other side, and arrived at North Sydney about seven at night. Took rooms at the Grant Hotel. A raging windstorm struck about midnight, making us feel thankful we had shelter. Next morning, heard several vessels reported sunk and lives lost. It was a bright and pleasant Sunday morning, and we all went to church, meeting some of the relatives.

That afternoon we called on some of the shut-ins, one cousin who stood up with my parents when they were married, she being five years old at the time, Matilda Grant. Monday afternoon we were taken by Captain Lewis and Porter Moffatt in their autos to the Grant and Andrews homes. Captain Lewis and family entertained us at tea and in the evening. Later while in North Sydney, some went on Captain Lewis's boat to Sydney, some walking about the old town and calling on cousins - notably, cousin Charles Moffatt, 88, mowing with a scythe, and on his sister, Mrs. Eliza Robertson, 90, who charmingly acted as hostess at tea, in her black silk dress, and dainty white apron, calling the maid with a silver bell on the table.

Emma Lewis took us to the old scenes of our parents and we spent a pleasant evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jackson. We left Thursday morning for Halifax, arriving in the evening. Stayed at the Gainesbere house, which was kept by a lady who survived the TNT explosion during the world war [ i ] where hundreds were killed and many houses destroyed. This lady had her home destroyed, and her life saved by being under some heavy furniture. Fog in Halifax lasted forty-eight hours, a fog-bell ringing at intervals of seconds. We spent three days here, visiting market, parks, attending church and viewing the beautiful harbor (after the fog lifted). Monday morning the George Moffatts and Campbells took the train to Yarmouth - to go from there by boat. Sister Annie and we two, left for St. John, New Brunswick.

We arrived about five in the afternoon. Next day saw the high tides of the bay of Bundy (sic, should be Fundy), library, boats unloading in the first Sloven wagons we had ever seen - the platform being hung below the axles and carried six inches or so above the ground. In places, the backs of the houses were solid rock, the streets level with the tops of the houses, having a guard-rail. Walking over so many rocks, my shoes needed halfsoleing, and in nine minutes after taking them to a shoeman, he handed them back ready to wear, he sewing them on himself.

Here I went to a restaurant with a nice little waiter-girl, but caught sight of the Chinese cook, and when I saw and smelled the supper, I ate some crackers and drank some water, and went back to our rooms where wife and sister had secured some luscious red-raspberries and other good things and ate with them. We left St. John at six p.m., only one train a day. The government baggage-men were our next experience - several of them, and our grips were well chalk-marked by morning. Arrived at Portland at nine next morning. The Bay front park was our next objective. 365 islands in the bay. Next we went to Henry W. Longfellow's home. Took the train for Boston at two in the afternoon, arriving about four at the North depot. Took the elevator to South depot, thence to Mt. Bowdein station by Boston and New Haven railroad - the line uncle George traveled for years and years.

From there a short walk brought us to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Meacham, where he had a hearty welcome. Next day the nine (Meachams and our group) went to see a submarine launched. The next day my wife and I went to see her mother's cousin, ninety years old, at Mansfield. It was here arranged for her to go with this cousin and her daughter and family to Maine, her mother's birth plae, by auto where she stayed over Sunday. Sunday morning the rest of us attended church at Tremont Temple. In the afternoon cousin Kate McIntosh and sister Isabel visited with us at the Meachams.

Monday morning, Georges and Charles went to New York and then on to Philadelphia, and we three followed on Tuesday, all meeting that evening. Wednesday we visited the Betsy Ross house and old historical places. That night I was taken sick and laid up twenty-four hours. The rest visited the Sesqui-Centennial on Thursday.

Next day we went on to Washington, D.C. Got rooms at the Capitol Park hotel. Saturday, we went to Capitol and park, Smithsonian Institute and Congressional Library. Sunday morning went to Baptist church. Campbells went to Chicago Sunday and the rest of us on Monday for Pittsburgh, on Pennsylvania Central railroad, passing through Harrisburg, Johnstown, and the famous Horsehoe Bend - wonderful scenery. Early Tuesday left Pittsburgh for Chicago. Went through Wooster, Ohio, the home of my wife's father, thus completing seeing the scenes of our fore-fathers and mothers -- Moffatts, Grants, Bealls and Swans. At Chicago, we met the Campbells and took the six-fifteen train that evening, arriving at seven-thirty next morning, completing exactly a five weeks' trip.

In January 1927, we arrived in Miami and paid the Doty sisters eight dollars a week (nearer town than Miss Price's).

Prof. Wilkerson and wife were here for their last winter.

The year 1927 was my banner year for feeding, selling more than $15,000.00 worth of cattle and hogs and our last year of paying income tax. This fall, Earnest (sic, should be Ernest) Moffatt returned from California and went with me with the stock to Chicago. From there he went to Des Moines, securing the job he held the rest of his life. December, 1928, brother George and I went with the stock, it being my last trip.

After that, he or Alex looked after mine. We went to Miami again in 1928, returning by way of Oklahoma, spending a week with my three nieces. In January of 1929, we again went to Miami and stayed with Miss Price. This winter we got acquainted with William and Annie Glendenning of Palmyra, Mo. Friday, Dec. 13, 1929, we left for California, by way of Oklahoma, where we stayed with Flola and Leonard Halstead at Alva, all the others coming there to see us.

We went on Monday morning, the 16th and took sleeper at Amarillo, Texas and met Mrs. and Mrs. [Madison?] McGreevy, so had pleasant company the rest of the way. They stopped at Flag Staff and we at Williams for twenty-four hours, going to visit the Grand Canyon.

At Los Angeles the McGreevy's showed us about, and all went to the Rosalyn hotel. We went to Whittier the same day and stayed some weeks with Myrtle Smith. January 1st., Myrtle, her brother Lon and his daughter and we went to the famed Rose carnival at Pasadena. We also later visited Mrs. Bedder there. We spent two days with the Linn Bement family at Santa Ana on our way to San Diego. Here we remained six weeks. In Balboa park the out-door organ is the largest out-door one in the world. It had recitals each afternoon. There is also a large zoo in this park, and there are flowering trees and shrubs from all over the world.

The museum is also very interesting, and the whole large park contains beautiful things. We came back to Whittier in time to attend the Iowa picnic at Los Angeles which occurred on Washington's birthday. Over fifty people were there we had known. We came to Long Beach and spent a few weeks there, seeing many of our old acquaintances and on March 22nd., another picnic was held at Frank Sellard's home in Los Angeles, especially for the Mt. Ayr people.

As we started home, we spent three days at the Rosslyns and here Emily McElhinney Strughters and Mrs. A. W. George and family called on us. From Los Angeles to San Francisco we took the Coast line, much of the way next to the ocean. The white caps were within a few rods of the track. At San Francisco we stayed two days at the Murx. The day afer arriving we and C. A. Knight and wife (of Mt. Ayr) took a ten hour trip to the Redwoods, on a gray bus.

At dinner we ate in a redwood cabin and had our first taste of artichokes. We went to Stanford University and passed through Palo Alto, the home of President Hoover. The next day we went ot Sacramento, going across San Francisco bay on the ferry. We were met by John and Perle Wentz who drove us ten miles into the country to Roy and Mary Sullivan's where we stayed over Sunday. Monday Roy took us by where Sutter first discovered gold in California.

Also by the Capitol and other places of interest, and we were invited to lunch at the Wentzes, resuming our journey at two o'clock.

We came down the noted Feather River Canyon with wonderful waterfalls. Next day we passed through the great American desert - well named, as everything was mountains, rock and sand. Crossing the out-skirts of Great Salt Lake we arrived at Salt Lake City about four in the afternoon. Stayed a day at the Williams hotel.

Next morning visited the Mormon tabernacle and heard the orgen (sic), and a speech setting forth their doctrine - and viewed the Temple - on the outside. We were invited outside of a special pen or yard. No Gentiles allowed on holy Mormon Ground. We were satisfied to leave the mormon and his religion for good.

We visited the fine Capitol building and started on toward evening to visit Canon City where we arrived next day. At ten o'clock in the morning we crossed the Great Divide, where the train stopped some time to view the grand scenery on this highest point between mountains. The train also stopped at the Royal Gorge, and suspension bridge [built in 1929] over it, thousands of feet above, before we came to Canon City. We stayed here over night - going to see the State penetitentary (sic) and mineral health springs - and I viewed old scenes and saw old friends I had known when I wintered here in 1898-99.

We went to Pueblo in the afternoon, and were met by Irvin Stockton and Saturday Annabell took us all over Pueblo. Sunday attended First Baptist Church, and in the afternoon Truman and Jr. came to take us to Denver. We called on Ed and Dora Swan at Colorado Springs and arrived about dark at Denver. Pauline took us over Denver on Monday and we started at eleven that night, arriving in Mt. Ayr about twenty-two hours later.

Brother George was not well all of the summer of 1930, went in November to Mayo Brothers, operated on for cancer of the stomach, and died the twenty-ninth day, November 29, 1930. [George Duncan Moffatt was born October 1, 1862; died November 29, 1930, St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, Minnesota, interment Ringgold Cemetery.]

I was sick with "flu" at the time. We left for Miami December 16th and stayed at Miss Prices. Mr. and Mrs. Helfer arrived later in December and the Robertsons from Idaho, January 6th, 1931. Six families of us had many picnics and good times that winter. Came home by the Singing Tower, and visited the Robertsons at St. Petersburg where they went earlier. The last of May, Eunie was in Des Moines Methodist Hospital for two weeks, and I went on to Rochester, and on returning, staying at Neahams near the hospital.

June 18, Ernest Moffatt was killed in an automobile accident, leaving his young wife [Hazel (Hawley) Moffatt] and baby six days old. [Ernest Roy Moffatt, born May 16, 1899, Canon City, Colorado; died 18, 1931, Osceola, Iowa, interment Ringgold Cemetery.] October 3rd, Mr. Holloway died, following an appendicitis operation, having been on the old home place thirteen years and seven months. [Lewis D. Hollway, born February 24, 1867, Cass County, Missouri; died October 4, 1931, St. Joseph Hospital, St. Joseph, Missouri; interment at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Iowa.]

In November, Mr. Gibson moved on the place. The last day of 1931, we again started to Florida, staying with Miss Price, her brother also being with her. We were the only ones there of the six families.

December 7th, 1932, we again went to Miami, Mrs. Sue Lesan going with us, and also staying at Miss Price's. The Helfers went earlier and stayed half a block away. Mr. Lunney arrived December 28th, making six Mt. Ayr people, having a very pleasant winter together and with other friends. According to previous plans, Tuesday, January 24th., Mr. and Mrs. Helfer, Mr. Lunney and I were off for Cuba. The first few miles we spent watching the exceptionally fine tomatoe (sic) fields and orange groves from Miami south to Florida City.

There the railroad turns south and east, and goes through the Florida Everglades. This section is usually covered with overflow water and a heavy growth of wild (saw) grass from four to six feet high. Key Largo was our first stop. This little key was bought by a company in 1925 and was laid out to be one of the greatest gardens in the world. Here thousands of people invested and lost their all. This roadbed is built from one key to another 'till you reach Key West, and is only two to six feet above high tide, but the roadbed is heavily banked with rock as a protection from the breakers. Seven miles is the longest distance between keys.

It cost a million dollars a mile to build. The city of Key West is quite small. Here he had to sign passports and embark for Cubs (sic).

We men ate our dinners soon after getting on the boat, but Mrs. Helfer feared to do so at first, but we finally persuaded her to try it, the sea was so smooth and she, like us, enjoyed the dinner very much. We took our first Spanish lessons of her. Our most important words were "get out of our way, we do not want to be bothered", useful in Havana. On leaving the boat we were surrounded as if by a swarm of bees, yelling their hotels, and so forth. One man told Mrs. Helfer he would take us free to a good hotel for one dollar a day each, four dollars for all.

Here at hotel Rossevelt, named for Theodore, we stayed five days, finding everything very satisfactory. We took our breakfast on the roof-garden, eight stories up. It gave a beautiful view of city, ocean and old Fort Morre. The first morning we visited the new Capitol building. Quoting from "Cuba of Today" it is a "magnificent, most beautiful edifice, its immense dome is covered with real gold, its architectural proportions sublime and interior decorations and furnishing of regal magnificience. For an island in such sore financial straits and with barely three millions of people to expend over eighteen millions of dollars is criminal folly and extravagance but it is an enduring monument to their love of splash".

And no city in the world can boast of a more beautiful setting for its capitol, with its lawns, parks, flowers and trees. We took our lunch at a canopy covered restaurant on the street. We were assiled (sic) by a horde of beggars (dispersed by police), serenaded by a negro band (to whom we gave a collection) and offended the waiter by lack of a tip. After dinner we went to the old Fort Morre Castle.

We crossed the channel on a row boat to an island north of the city, where it is located. The second day we visited the Maine and the beautiful residential section, golf course, beach and cock-fighting ranch. On our way home, we passed some thatched-roofed huts. Mrs. Helfer got out her camera, when a number of school children rushed out in front of it and Mr. Helfer threw pennies in the opposite direction before she could get a snap shot of the huts.

Our driver waved at a lady as we passed a house so we contratulated (sic) him on his choice. This pleased him.

In passing a field we saw two boys plowing with a yoke of oxen, and we got out to see their harness. A four by four stick was lashed to the back of the horns of each ox. In the center, a bamboo pole about twelve feet long had one end fastened to the yoke and one to the plow with ropes.

The plow refused to scour. I had my picture snapped holding the rope to drive them "Senor Moffatt plowing in Cuba." We passed a large number of sugar factories, but all were closed. In these suburbs we saw some beautiful Flamingoes and Mrs. Helfer took a snapshot of them. We had expected to start home Saturday but the ocean was so rough Mr. Helfer feared to go (having had experience) so I suggested I send a cablegram and we stay over. My first cablegram, $1.65.

The last day there we went nine-three miles by railroad to Matanzas, east of Havana, on a beautiful harbor of the Carribean Sea.

Here we were beseiged by guides and beggars. Sunday evening we attended a negro Church. The preacher, singers, choir leader and ourselves were the only white persons present. We ate one day with an English lady (Mrs. Helfer, who was English, thinking her Dutch) and learning that Mr. Lunney was looking for a million-dollar lady, she said she had a million dollar heart. We visited the old [Columbus] Cathedral [Havana] where the bones of Columbus and his son were laid. This was the first time I had seen people saying mass - but their eyes followed us. We saw many banana and cane fields, but instead of a coffee field we tried to find, the driver went to the horse races.

Our voyage home was perfect, making a delightful seven days outing at a cost of only forty dollars each. On arriving home, found the Mt. Ayr bank had closed on January 23, 1933.

Ann Stephens related the following story to show how our parents lived when they first came to this country. They had no money but needed a bedstead. Father went to the timber and brought home a number of hickory poles. Ann asked Father what he was going to do with them. He said "make a bedstead". Ann said it was a beauty when finished and high enough to put the trundle-bed under. The first bed I remember of sleeping in was the trundle-bed.

During the Civil war, one evening, two men rode up and asked for a night's lodging. Father said "yes, if you can put up with our way of living". Next morning they told father they had no money, but if he could take an old English lintlock (sic) pistol he could have it.

This he gladly accepted. It is now in the hands of A. G. Moffatt as a keepsake. We have visited a number of places where oldf firearms were on exhibition but have only seen one - at Springfield, Mass., exactly like it.

When uncle Alex Grant was here visiting us in the fall of 1899, he told me this experience in his life. When he was an apprentice, or tarboy, on the sailing vessel of his father-in-law, Captain McClough, the watchman gave a signal that a storm was approaching and to haul the sails. Nothing can be done without the Captain's orders, and Captain McClough being under the influence of liquor, said, "No, let them alone". Order after order was signaled, but he continued obstinate, and would not allow anything done until the storm was upon them.

The first crash, the top mast was taken and all the sails ripped off as if they had been paper. All decks were swept clean and they were helpless before the storm. No lives were lost, but as I remember, it was nine days before they were picked up. They were so nearly starved, none of them could walk, and for lack of water, their tongues were black and swollen and stuck out of their mouths. The vessel was a total loss. A few years later, uncle Alex became a Captain of a vessel for a few years, then went into partnership with uncle George in the roofing business in Boston. Later he went to Springfield and in the same business with his brother-in-law, McClough. One day in measuring a roof with a tape-line, Mr. McClough miscalculated the distance to the edge and stepped off backward off the roof, killing him.

In the early seventies, uncle Alex's first wife passed away, leading (sic) him four sons and one daughter. While a widower, he was visiting at the George Grant home, also a maiden lady was there (inclined to matrimony). On leaving he tried to slip out of a side-door, when she saw him and said, "Mr. Grant, is it possible you are not going to say anything to me?" Aunt Fay told this at our home, making quite a laugh at uncle Alex's expense. Later he married Lydia Moffatt, daughter of George Moffatt, father's brother. She was the one who with him, visited us in 1889.

William C. Moffatt was born July 27, 1860; died December 25, 1943. Eunice (Beall) Moffatt was born April 23, 1862; died January 6, 1945. Will and Eunice were interred at Rose Hill Cemetery, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa.

My father's father, JOHN MOFFATT born sometime in the 1770's
married in the 1790's
died June 13, 1860

Grandmother, MARY RAY-MOFFAT died November 1851
Had sixteen children
grow up, five girls nine boys

JOHN's father was JAMES MOFFAT Died in 1825

Grandmother Moffatt's parents were
ALEXANDER GRANT AND ANN MUSGRAVE There were six children, and after
Ann Musgrave died, he married a widow
and they had one daughter, Bessie Grant

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I, Dorothy Mosier Matthews, (daughter of SIMON RAY and LYDIA MOFFATT MOSIER), copied the 18 page booklet from the original copy that "Uncle Will Moffatt" had given to my Mother. I copied this book in December of 1977. Many things have transpired since Uncle Will wrote this information to be handed down. Uncle Will and Aunt Eurin will always be remember with admiration by "us" - their descendants. In their latter days, Uncle Will couldn't see and Aunt Eunie could hear so my sister "Vi" and I would go there many days to help and assist them. Uncle Will had a 'keen' mind for remembering things in the past and exact dates. It was Uncle Will who impressed this saying so deeply upon my mind, "If you are going to do something, it is worth doing right." They and Grandpa and Grandma Moffatt (GEORGE AND LENNIE) couldn't have given us a better Christian heritage. My remembrance of being at Grandpa and Grandmas on a Saturday night "to sleep in the company bed" is that on Saturday evening ALL preparations were made for what clothes we would wear to church the following morning. In an old scrap-book that my Mother has, I take the following excerpts from newspaper clippings written at the time of their (Grandpa and Grandmas') home- going:

(1862-1930): "One of the States most higly respected Citizens and a Christian leader - both in his local Church and in State-wide Church work." "An outstanding Christian in our Community. He had a true estimate of the church and its' worth (faith in Jesus Christ) to the individual and to the Community."
(1863-1935): "To her, motherhood was something high and holy, a calling not to be entered into lightly, but with fear and trembling. Her children grew up in the church to honor God and love the Savior. her Church and Savior assumed the first devotion of her life."

On this the SIXTY-FIFTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY of SIMON RAY AND LYDA MOSIER, (our Parents), we cannot help but add a section to this book to tell what the Lord has done for us through our DEAR PARENTS.

As Uncle Will's history stopped - Mom and Dad's history carried on as follows:



EARL married VIRGINIA HANKEY (living in Ca.)


ROBERT married LOIS JEAN BARTLEY (is with The Lord in heaven)


VIOLA married GLEN W. CURRY (living in Sacramento, Ca.)

RAY, MELVIN (Mel is with The Lord in heaven)

DOROTHY married BOB MATTHEWS (Pastor) (living in Mountain View, Calif.)


GEORGIA married BERT SMITH (living in Albany, Ore.)


MARIE married LESTER NELSON (living in Silverton, Ore.)


DONALD married LAVERNA DENNIS (living in Pioneer, Ca.)


(Pauline Young has made a Family tree including all the wives, husbands, children of the above listed grand children. The exact information of each family can be secured from her.)

"Mom and Dad" are the only ones left of both of their families as of December, 1977. Edith Moffatt Hammans and her husband Elton Hammans, came for the 65th Anniversay celebration held in Oregon.

Of the "Sim Mosier TRIBE" only two have been taken by death:
BROTHER BOB on July 25, 1957. He was instantly killed in a logging accident.
MELVIN CURRY (Vi and Glen's Son) was drowned in the American River in Sacramento March 14, 1966.

CONCERNING a little background of Mom and Dad's lives together:

When they were married in 1912, GRANDPA MOSIER gave them their share of his Estate (80 acres) and built a new little home for them. In 1914 before Pauline was born, GRANDPA MOFFATT gave them 80 acres and they moved to the Reed place. (Now owning 160 acres). They lived there (with all 'us kids' untill 1943. This house was and is the oldest house in the County (Ringgold). Dad put a complete foundation under the house - which gave so much more room and made it cool living in the summertime as we moved the living quarters to the cool basement each summer. WE ALL LOVED THAT HOME - many fond memories! Dad and Mom worked hard and we children couldn't appreciate it then but DO NOW.

In 1943, we moved to Uncle Ernest's place and in 1945 the folks moved up to the little Reed house for a time, then back to the Ernest Moffatt place where they lived until they sold out and moved to Oregon.

I remember seeing Dad come in from the harvest field one day -- he had been too hot - sun stroke - and it was that day that he determined to SELL OUT and move to Oregon. Earl and Virginia sold out too and what a huge sale that was that day.

In 1946, the folks moved to Oregon and were there until 1959 when they moved to California. Pauline and Cecil led the way to Oregon as they 'struck out' after they were married for 'greener pastures' and found the beautiful State of Oregon. Most of all - they found a WONDERFUL GOSPEL PREACHING CHURCH - First Baptist of Corvallis, Oregon. Within a short time ALL OF US (8 children and our Families) were in Corvallis area and at one time were all members of the First Baptist Church of Corvallis, Oregon. WE LOVED THE CHURCH, the preaching of DR. EDWARD B. HART (who was the Pastor and influenced our lives to a great extent for the things of Christ).

As I have been viewing Uncle Will Moffatt's travels in 'early days' I could not help but marvel at what God has done, even in the past years as 13 (thirteen) of our family, VI, GLEN AND MARLENE CURRY, EARL, VIRGINIA, DARLENE AND DARRELL SCHUH, BOB, DOROTHY AND BOB AND GAIL MATTHEWS AND DON AND KAY WOOD were privileged to walk in the streets of THE HOLY LAND (ISRAEL) and GREECE in November of 1977.

Precious memories I recall of GRANDPA MOSIER is when (in his later days) he was living with us and he would sit on his 'special' chair (because of such bad arthritis) and sing in his beautiful, mellow voice, "SWING LOW, SWEET CHARIOT, COMIN' FOR TO CARRY ME HOME". He sang like he was homesick for heaven. GRANDMA MOSIER went to be with The Lord when Dad was in his early twenties. She was a BEAUTIFUL CHRISTIAN and always faithful to The Lord, we are told by Dad and Mom and others.

Since Uncle Will wrote his book, times have changed - so much progress - the $16.00 a month has turned into $1,000 to $1,600.00 a month - our children (and we) do not know what hardships are any more. God has blessed abundantly in our family - many are SPIRITUAL GIANTS, several are very well-to-do financially, many are in places of great leadership but WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ANYTHING FOR ALL OF US TO REMEMBER IS THAT as our dear ancestors have gone on, we too shall be going to our Eternal home before too long, and WE PRAY THAT EVERYONE in the Family will be ready to meet THE LORD. Everything except ETERNAL LIFE is temporary. May we never be influenced by the allurement of the world to follow the "things of satan and his workers" but FOLLOW AFTER THAT WHICH IS GOD'S WILL AND LEADING.

GOD SAYS, "If thy children will keep my covenant and my testimony that I shall teach them, their children shall also sit upon thy throne for evermore." - Psalm 1 32:12

I am reminded of Psalm 11 2:2, 3, 6 & 8 "His seed shall be mighty upon earth, the GENERATION of the upright shall be blessed. Wealth and riches shall be in his house; and his righteousness endureth forever . . . . Surely he shall not be moved forever; the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. . . . His heart is established; he shall not be afraid. . . ."


* Quinsy is an abscess in the tissue around the tonsil, usually the result of a bacterial infection, often accompanied by pain and fever. - Merriam-Webster Dictionary

** Henry Andrews enlisted as a Private from Mount Ayr, Iowa, on July 11, 1863 at the age of 18. He was assigned to Company D of the 8th Iowa Cavalry Regiment, and was mustered out of service on June 23, 1865, at Annapolis, Maryland. - American Civil War Soldier database, ancestry.com

*** There are two possible entries for Benjamin Moore in the American Civil War Soldier database at ancestry.com, both who were Privates: one served with Company L, 6th Missouri Cavalry; and, the other who served with Company E, 26th Missouri Infantry. - American Civil War Soldier database, ancestry.com

**** Source: WPA Graves Survey

Contributed by Bill Campbell, July of 2009


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