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Mount Ayr Local News, June 7, 1888


Posted By: Sharon R Becker (email)
Date: 7/18/2009 at 03:48:53

Mount Ayr Journal
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 7, 1888, Page 8

Published Every THURSDAY by J. S. SHEPHERD

Local News

Mrs. James MILLER is very sick.

Jno. HORNE has the best Pharmacy in town.

The board of Supervisors are in session.

Go in Rhoyer & Barnhart for best photos.

R. F. ASKREN went to St. Joe last week.

A few more of those bargains at Todd & Gray's.

Roy W. B. THOMPSON went to Chariton Tuesday.

Lower and Steadier go the prices at A. INGRAM & Sons.

Charley ROSS went to St. Joe Tuesday for a short stay.

Large lot of Trunks and Valises at A. INGRAM & Sons.

Wm. SIMPSON returned from Corydon Tuesday evening.

Roy SCOTT returned from Kansas visit last week.

If you want a farm loan at the very lowest rates, call on ALLYN BROS.

Dr. J. H. WHITE and family arrived at home last Friday evening.

Let everybody work for a big celebration here on the 4th of July.

Miss Flora MAIN returned home Wednesday everying of last week.

Cash paid for Butter and Eggs, every day in the week, by TODD & GRAY.

Miss Ida KINSELL returned from her trip to New Mexico, last Saturday.

CLARK & SHEPHERD have a splendid assortment of whips, cheap and good.

The Journal for ten cents a month from this date until after the election.

Children's day at the Baptist church next Sabbath. Services at 11 o'clock, A.M.

Go to WALL BROS. for all kinds of Staple and Fancy Groceries. All goods guaranteed.

Rev. HERD of Humeston, preached at the M.E. church last Sunday,
morning and evening.

Peach, Bow, Early Rose and other varieties of potatoes at TODD & GRAY's
for $1.00 per bushel.

Children's day service in the Presbyterian church, Sabbath morning,

Fish by the lb., cheap for cash, at ESPY & Co.

Miss Lora LAUGHLIN went to Leon Tuesday and from there
she goes to Cedar Rapids on a visit.

Charley HUCKE Sundayed with his mother and friends at Mt. Ayr.
He returned to Leon Monday.

Miss Ella WILLIAMS returned to her school Tuesday morning,
having recovered from her sickness.

Hosery, Underware (sic), Gloves, Laces, Ribbons, and a thousand notions all to be closed out. A. INGRAM & Sons.

Dr. CAMPBELL will be in Mt. Ayr Friday of this week and remain
until Monday Noon, June 11th.

Miss Treas HINCKLE started Tuesday on a trip to Kansas.
She will vist Wellington and Caldwell during her stay.

Miss Adda HINCKLE took a ride to Junction and returned Monday. She took her brother Charley that far on his way to Leon.

The ladies of the Christian church will give a sociable and strawberry festival at the Opera House on next Wednesday evening.

The Ladies Mission Circle of the Baptist church will meet at the residence of Mrs. Jacob ROBERTSON, Friday, June 8th, at 11 o'clock A.M.

Mr. T. E. DuBOIS and family have packed their household goods and will move to Council Bluffs this week, where they will spend the summer.

The City Bakery pays cash for butter and eggs, keeps a full line of groceries and fresh restaurant goods. All cheap for ready pay. Located on Depot Street in Mt. Ayr, Ia.

At the M.E. church Sunday morning services over over five hundred dollars was raised for the Missionary cause. Mt. Ayr, we guess, will head the list in donations.

Married in Mt. Ayr, on the 30th Day of May, 1888, Mrs. Rober McROWLEY of Green County, Pa., to Miss ELLA STEPHENS of Ringgold County, Iowa.
Rev. P. ANDREWS officiating.

The Goshen Gazette gave notice last week that it will suspend for two weeks and possibly for all time. The Junior member of the firm has gone west to look for a new location.

The Priest in charge will regularly visit this [illegible] in the future, on the second and forth Tuesdays of each month. Service with sermon at the christian church at 8 p.m. All are cordially invited to be present.

A brand new stock of ready made clothing for men and boys
just received by, G. A. SLEANZ.

Commencing June 1st, 1888, and until further notice, the C.B.&Q., give an excursion rate of one and one-third fare for the round trip from any station to any station on their line and more than 100 miles distance, when 2 or more tickets are sold.
- C. L. SPURRIER, Ag't.

Has opened a millinery store in Goshen, where her customers can get hats, trimmings, gloves, [illegible], indelible black hoze (sic), bustles, and almost everything in the notion line. Also dressmaking done in the latest style. Give her a call.

A late decision of the pension hearing that will be of interest to old soldiers, is as follows: "A soldier who at any time on for before April 1, 1861, during the war of the rebellion, enlisted in the volunteer service for three years or during the war, and who was discharged by reason of the close of the war, or prior thereto for wounds received in line of duty, having previously served int he army at any time for a period or periods surmounting to nine months, is now entitled to the verteran [illegible] of $100. The nine months previous service need not have been rendered in the war of the rebellion."

Mrs. CONLEY and Mrs. GREENMAN of Ringgold county, mother and sister of Mrs. S. GRAHAM, were here on a short visit, returning home Monday. - Winterset News


The storms of the last two weeks have done a great deal of damage in this vicinity.

Everyone went to the Decoration Services held at the M.E. church last Sunday.

Miss Eva GILES is very sick.

Miss Carrie SWINTON of Trenton, Mo., visited with Miss Anna WILSON last week.

A young man from Mt. Ayr while going to see his girl came near to getting drowned; crossing grand river a week ago Sunday.

Mrs. Hugh WILSON had a valuable mare killed by lightening a week ago last Sunday and another badly burned.


Memorial day has rightly become one of the great holidays of this country, by annually observing [illegible] as a national holiday. We pay tribute, do fitting honor to our [illegible] ancestors who braved the dangers of war, that we might have free government and free speech and that those same principles should in the minds and hearts of coming generations every be held. What can we mourn to assume this result than cherishing tenderly the memory of our heroic dead, who made their breasts a barricade between our county and its foes? Under the supervision of Ben TALBOT Post G.A.R., an entertaining program was carried out at the Eugene cemetary that day, where at the cemetery the G.A.R. memorial service was read over the graves of departed commrades, with the impressive address by the Rev. E. W. MILLER, to the unknown dead, after which the memorial address by Rev. C. E. MITCHELL of the M. E. church, was well received; also a short address by the Rev. D. C. WILSON, of the U.P. church, received by John BUXLIER. Wm. NELSON closing the exercies by a well- chosen speech. The Cornet Band of this place furnished music for the occasion. A choir composed of Tingley's best singers, also was in attendance and furnished some excellent music appropriate to the occasion.

Mrs. Jake FRANC who has been on th esick list for some thime;
we are glad to see her on the street again.

Bob DUNLAP visted friends in the country over Sunday.

Will KENDALL made a trip west recently.

Miss Gertrude MILLER is home from Drake University, Des Moines. She is to be one of the teachers in the Normal school this fall, which insures a part of that corps to be good at any rate, and from what we can learn, is to be [illegible] the entire term.

Charley ROWELL has secured a line of of thoroughbred horse from [illegible].

Mrs. D. B. ALLEY's mother is visiting her at present from Mo.

Mr. FORBES, who has been attending school at Shenandoah,
came home Saturday to his father's north of Tingley.

Mr. W. H. ASBURY of Ottumwa, is visiting his brother T. P. ASBURY of this place,
and sister, father and mother at Tingley.

Cecil MILLER returned home from Washington Territory Monday,
satisfied with Iowa, we presume.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2009


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