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Posted By: Karyn Techau
Date: 4/19/2022 at 02:15:53

Malvern Leader
December 20, 1900, page 3

Another of Malvern's marriageable young bachelors has tired of a life of single blessedness and we are called up to chronicle the passing of Albert S. Marshall into the connubial state.

Miss Mary L. Wilson was the bride and the wedding occurred at her home in Council Bluff's at high noon Tuesday December 18,. Rev. Waddell of Broadway M. E. Church performed the ceremony which was witnessed by only a few of the most intimate friends of the young couple.

After congratulations a sumptuous dinner was served. Those attending from Malvern were Messer's and Mesdames W. W. Donner, Charles Sinter, Fred Stone and Mrs. E. A. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall came down to Malvern today and an infair reception and dinner was tendered them at E. A. Stone's.

The groom is the son of Mrs. E. A. Stone and is too well known here to need any introductions from us. The bride is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wilson and has visited many times in Malvern. They go to housekeeping soon in I W. Skadan's house recently vacated by Matt Conrad. We extend congratulation and best wishes.

(No relation to this couple, just posting this for genealogical purposes)


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