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Macrae, Donald (1839-1907)


Posted By: Joyce Hickman (email)
Date: 1/9/2009 at 16:17:00

Donald Macrae
(October 3, 1839 – August 14, 1907)

(From the 1882 History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa)
D. Macrae, M. D., Council Bluffs, has been a resident of Council Bluffs since March, 1867. He is a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, receiving both his literary and medical education at the University of Edinburgh, from which he graduated in 1861. He spent three years in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, after graduating, and then accepted a position as Surgeon for the Cunard Line of steamers. He remained with the Cunard Line three years, during which time he crossed the Atlantic seventy-five times. The half of the last "round trip" landed him in New York City in 1867, where, before coming to Council Bluffs, he married Miss Charlotte, daughter of Joseph Bauchette, late Surveyor General of Canada, who died in 1881, aged eighty-six years. The family was of French origin and well known in Canada, which is the native place of Mrs. Macrae. The Doctor has been in active practice since his residence in the city. In 1882, he was appointed Professor of Diseases of Women in this district for the Des Moines College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is a member of the Council Bluffs Medical Society. He is also a charter member of the lodges of the following orders in Council Bluffs: A O. U. W., A. M. L. of H. and Equitable Aid Union. The Doctor is so well and favorably known socially and professionally that anything of a eulogistic nature in connection with the above facts would sound like flattery.

(From the 1891 Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, P.271)
DONALD MACRAE, one of the oldest practicing physicians and surgeons of Council Bluffs, his professional labor dating from 1861, is a native of Scotland, born in Rosshire, October 3, 1839, a son of Rev. Donald MACRAE of the Free Church of Scotland. His mother was Jessie RUSSELL, a daughter of the Rev. James RUSSELL of Gairloch, Rosshire, Scotland. Dr. Macrae’s education was received at the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated from the medical department in August 1861. He practiced in the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for a year and a half, after which he accepted a position as surgeon for the Cunard Steamship Company, and during his four years’ service, he crossed the Atlantic Ocean seventy-five times! His last trip landed him in New York City, where he was united in marriage with Miss Charlotte, daughter of the late Joseph DOUCHETTE, Surveyor General of Canada, who died in 1881 at the age of eighty-six years. Mrs. MACRAE is a native of Canada, as above stated.

Dr. MACRAE came to Council Bluffs in March 1867 and engaged in the practice of his profession, and soon built up a successful and lucrative practice and has won the confidence of all who know him. In connection with his extensive practice, he has been identified with the Omaha Medical College since 1881, where he is Professor of the Principles and Practices of Medicine, and also Dean of the faculty. In 1887-88, he was President of the Iowa State Medical Society and of the Medical Society of the Missouri Valley, as well. At the meeting of the International Medical Congress, held at Washington, District of Columbia, he was Vice President of the surgical section. He is a member of the A.F.&A.M., Council Bluffs Lodge, and is Past Master of the A.O.U.W., and a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mrs. MACRAE is a member of the Episcopal Church. Dr. and Mrs. MACRAE are the parents of one son, Donald, born January 24, 1870, who is now studying medicine at the University of Michigan. Dr. MACRAE is a Democrat but has had little time to attend to political issues. He served as a member of the School Board for two years, and in 1890 was elected on the citizens’ non-partisan ticket as Mayor of Council Bluffs, by a large majority.

(from Biographies and Portraits of Progressive Men of Iowa…, by Gue & Shambaugh, 1899, vol.2, p.287-288)
Donald Macrae Sr., M. D.
Dr. Donald Macrae of Council Bluffs, a son of Rev. Donald and Jessie (Russell) Macrae, was born in Ross-shire, Scotland, October 3, 1839, and died at his home in Council Bluffs, Iowa, August 14, 1907. His father was a minister of the Free Church of Scotland and his maternal grandfather, Rev. James Russell, was also a clergyman living at Gairlock, Ross-shire, Scotland. Dr. Macrae graduated from the University of Edinburgh medical department in August 1861. His first professional experience was gained in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for one and a half years. For four years he was a surgeon with the Cunard Steamship Company and during that time crossed the Atlantic seventy-five times. On his last trip in 1867, he married Miss Charlotte Bouchette, a native of Canada, a daughter of Joseph Bouchette, surveyor general of Canada. Mrs. Macrae died March 28, 1904. Dr. Donald Macrae came to Council Bluffs in 1867, where he practiced medicine and surgery about forty years. He was the most influential practitioner in western Iowa. For several years Dr. Macrae was professor of the principles and practice of medicine in the Omaha Medical College, later the medical department of the Nebraska University and dean of the faculty. He became a member of the Iowa State Medical Society in 1883 and was president of the Society in 1888. He was a member of the American Medical Association and was the Iowa member of the last nominating committee preceding the reorganization. He was also a member of the International Medical Congress that met in Washington and also an original member of the Missouri Valley Medical Association and at one time its president. Surviving Dr. Macrae are three brothers and one sister. James Macrae of Council Bluffs, Rev. John S. Macrae of Melbourne, Australia, F. A. Macrae of London, England, and Mrs. Mary Stewart of Melbourne, Australia.


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