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Bowman, Thomas (1848-1917)


Posted By: Transcriber
Date: 12/11/2002 at 23:52:42

Thomas Bowman
May 25, 1848 - Dec 1, 1917

THOMAS BOWMAN was born at Wiscasset, Lincoln County, Maine, May 25, 1848. He came to Iowa in 1868, making his home at Council Bluffs, where he engaged in commercial business. In 1875 he was elected treasurer of Pottaeattamie County and was twice reelected, serving six years. He was chosen mayor of Council Bluffs in 1882 and in 1885 was appointed postmaster, serving until 1889. In 1883 he acquired a contolling interest in the Council Bluffs Globe, a Democtatic daily of which he assumed the editorial management. He was
nominated by the Democrats of the Ninth District for representative in Congress in 1890 and was elected over Judge J. R. Reed, the Republican
candidate, by a plurality of 1,285. He was not a candidate for reelection, serving but one term.

(From the 1883 History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, by J. H. Keatley, p.11, Council Bluffs)
Thomas Bowman, Mayor, Council Bluffs, has been a resident of the city since 1867. He first entered the employ of John Hammer, contractor and builder; next spent two years with J. P. & J. N. Casady, real estate dealers, and left them to take the management of the Crystal Mills at Council Bluffs. He held the office of City Assessor during 1872-73-74 and 1875, four terms, resigning in the latter year to accept the office of Treasurer of Pottawattamie County, to which he was elected by the Democratic party. This is a two years' term office, and Mr. Bowman held it for three consecutive terms. In 1881, he was elected Mayor of the city of Council Bluffs. He has been connected with the fire department of the city since 1868, and is Captain of Rescue Hose Company, No. 3. In 1881, the firm of Bowman, Rohrer and Co. was organized. Their principal business is storage and commission. Mr. Bowman was born in 1848 in Wiscasset, Me. He has a full genealogical history of his family, by which his ancestry is traced to English origin. His family was represented in the pilgrims of the Mayflower. He has been remarkably successful as a business man, and his position is among the best of society in the city.

(From the 1891 Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, p.335)
Hon. THOMAS BOWMAN, Congressman-elect from the Ninth Congressional District of Iowa, was born in Wiscasset, in the State of Maine, May 25, 1848, and derives his descent from Nathaniel BOWMAN, who came from England in 1630 in the fleet with WINTHROP. During his boy-hood he made his home at that place, and was educated at Oak Grove Seminary at Vassalboro, Maine. In 1868 he decided to follow the course of empire, and he bid adieu to home and friends in the old Pine Tree State and started for the West. That same year he landed in Council Bluffs, and being impressed with its surroundings, though at that time much in the crude, he decided to cast his lot there. He has been a continued resident in Council Bluffs ever since.

During the intervening period, from 1868 to the present time, he has held several important offices of trust, among them being Treasurer of Pottawattamie County, Mayor of the city of Council Bluffs, and Postmaster of Council Bluffs under President CLEVELAND's administration. He was one of the organizers of the volunteer fire department in 1868, and was an active member of the department until 1883, when the paid system was inaugurated. He has been connected with the Council Bluffs Globe for twelve years, and for the past seven years he has been general manager for The Globe Publishing Company. Mr. BOWMAN is a man who will make friends wherever he goes. He is a man of sterling qualities, and his loyalty to friends and principle has been a potent factor in his advancement in life.


Pottawattamie Biographies maintained by Karyn Techau.
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