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Everett, Leonard (1853-1938)


Posted By: Volunteer (email)
Date: 10/10/2006 at 14:23:43

Leonard Everett
June 27, 1853 - Dec 24, 1938

(From the 1883 History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, by J. H. Keatley, p.21, Council Bluffs)
Leonard Everett, attorney, Council Bluffs, was born in Gainesville, Ala., in 1853; removed to Council Bluffs with his parents in 1855, where he has lived ever since. He was educated at and graduated from Cornell University, N. Y., in 1873; commenced studying law, soon after graduating, with Col. D. B. Dailey, and was admitted to practice in 1876. He is now practicing law at Nos. 17 and 18 Pearl street. He is of English descent.

[From the 1891 Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa, p.615]
LEONARD EVERETT, a lawyer, and one of the large land-owners of western Iowa, was born in Gainesville, Alabama, June 27, 1853. His parents, Hon. Horace EVERETT and Mary L. EVERETT, made their home in Council Bluffs in the year 1855. A sketch of the life of Hon. Horace EVERETT will be found in this volume.

On his maternal grandfather's side, Mr. Leonard EVERETT is a direct descendant of the LEONARDS of Taunton, Massachusetts, one of the prominent families of the early settlement of New England, and in the Revolutionary struggle. His maternal grandmother was a daughter of Colonel Benjamin REEVES, of Howard County, Missouri. Mr. EVERETT's early studies were in the public schools of Council Bluffs. In 1868 and 69 for one year, he attended the Cheshire Academy, near New Haven Connecticut, where he prepared for college. For one year, Mr. EVERETT was a student of Dartmouth College, New Hampshire. For three years he studies at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, and graduated in the class of 1873.

Returning home, Mr. EVERETT read law in the office of his father and was admitted to the bar in 1876. Mr. EVERETT has made a specialty of the study of titles and real-estate law. His experience in the management of his father's large landed estate has been of great practical benefit in his chosen branch of the law. Mr. EVERETT is now recognized as one of the leading lawyers in western Iowa, upon all matters appertaining to land or land titles.

For many years, Mr. EVERETT has taken an active interest in farming and the cause of the farmers. He has always been a sincere and earnest Republican, but has not hesitated to oppose and denounce the railroad wing of the party. In 1889, without solicitation on his part, and while he was absent in Washington, Mr. EVERETT was elected, by a large majority, Alderman from the Fourth Ward. Although the only Republican in the Council, he was elected President of the Board of Aldermen. Mr. EVERETT declined a renomination. He is now a member of the Board of Library Trustees and President of the Fairview Cemetery Association. He enjoys the confidence and respect of the public, and takes a zealous interest in the welfare of the community.


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