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Posted By: Becke Dawson (email)
Date: 1/2/2008 at 16:51:36

IOWA STATE REGISTER, Friday, August 26, 1881



Was born in Fayette County, Ohio, in 1834, and remained in that county and State until he was 14 years of age, when he moved to Illinois. His next move was to Mt. Pleasant, where he attended school with S.L. Howe, the old and leading Abolitionist of that day, from he imbued the ideas that made him a thoroughly Republican from the first. Subsequently Mr. Littleton went East to Northampton, Mass., to school, and after returning moved to Adair county. In this county he lived until 1862 when he enlisted in Company G, 29th Iowa, at Greenfield. This company and regiment did some of the best work of the war, especially when with the small command of 3,500 men they repulsed Price and Mormaduke's forces of over 40,000 men. Subsequently, Mr. Littleton made a gallant record with the 29th Iowa when they drove the Rebels out of Little Rock, and he for meritorious service was raised to adjutant in the 54th United States Regulars, doing good service in fighting the bushwackers. After the surrender of Lee, and when there was no fighting to be done, he sent in his resignation, which was endorsed by his commanding officer, as follows: "Lieutenant Littleton is an efficient and capable officer, and there are no reasons for his leaving the service except that he enlisted with the intention of remaining in the service of his country till the rebellion was crushed." On his return to his home in Adair county, Mr. Littleton was admitted to the bar at Greenfield, and his legal knowledge is thus another and an additional commendation of his capability to fill the office to which he is called. Fourteen years ago he removed to Polk county, living six years in Walnut township, six years in Grant, and because of his official duties, two years in Des Moines. He has always been prized by those who were acquainted with him as a man of just principles, seeking no popularity or high-sounding honors, but quietly and industriously pursuing the even tenor of his way. Mr. Littleton was elected to the office of Sheriff of Polk county two years ago, his election being one of the cases in which the office sought the man, since which time he has faithfully and with great fidelity discharged the duties incumbent upon him. His nomination yesterday for re-election is in itself a compliment and assurance that the valuable service he has rendered in his official capacity, is appreciated by the people of Polk county. That he will continue to perform the duties of his office acceptably and well his friends and constituants have no doubt.


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