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Galles, Mary 1820-1913


Posted By: Linda Ziemann, volunteer (email)
Date: 11/25/2019 at 19:02:40

LeMars Semi-Weekly Sentinel
Tuesday, December 16, 1913


Mrs. John Galles, one of the oldest residents of Plymouth county, passed away on Saturday at the home of her son-in-law, Henry Masuen, of Oyens, at the great age of ninety-three years, eight months and thirteen days. She was the mother of many children and her descendants number into the hundreds.

Mary Galles, whose maiden name was Mary Gabel, was a native of the Grand Duchy of Luxemberg, Europe. She was born in 1820 at Domeldinger, in the Canton Eich, where she spent her girlhood and arrived at womanhood. In 1844 she was united in
marriage with John Galles. Ten children were born to this union, three of whom died in infancy. Seven are living in this and adjoining counties. They are John Galles, of Oyens, Peter Galles, of Granville, John W. and Joseph of Remsen, Mrs. Valentine Ostert, of LeMars, Mrs. Peter Arens, of Remsen, Mrs. Henry Masuen, of Oyens. She also leaves numerous grandchildren and great grandchildren.

In 1869 Mr. and Mrs. Galles left their native land and emigrated to America. They settled at Springbrook, Iowa, where they lived for nine years and then came to Plymouth county which has been her home since. Mr. Galles died on April 16, 1900. After a long life of honorable toil and industry the old people made their home with their children and Mrs. Galles for the past few years has lived with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Masuen, where her declining years were soothed by at daughter’s constant care and devotion. Mrs. Galles was a home woman, her life being devoted to the companionship of her husband and the care of her children. She was related by ties of kindred and blood to many families in the east part of the county. She died full of years and honor and the example of her life is a lasting heritage to her sons and daughters and descendants to the third and fourth generation.

She was a life long and devout member of the Catholic church and the funeral services will be held this morning at St. Joseph’s church in this city, Rev. F. X. Feuerstein will officiate, assisted by Rev. Father H. Rolfes of Oyens and Rev. Father Brune, of Alton.

The Alton Democrat, Dec. 20, 1913
Louis Jungers motored with the family to Oyens where the death of a relative, Mrs. Galles, occurred Saturday. The funeral was held Tuesday at LeMars. Mrs. Galles was 93 years of age and two weeks ago was just as spry as ever when a stroke of paralysis of the brain ended her life very suddenly.


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