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Mr. H. C. Wheeler (1820-1899)h


Posted By: Alan Nicholson
Date: 4/4/2014 at 00:59:32

Paullina Times, 23 Mar 1899, p. 5

The following notice of the death of a former resident of Liberty township and one of O'Brien county's pioneer settlers is clipped from the Sloan (Iowa) Star of the 16th inst.: "H. C. Wheeler, one of the old and respected citizens of Lakeport township, died at his home Tuesday, March 7, 1899. Mr. Wheeler was a man well known in the community and his reputation for integrity, probity and fair dealings was of the best. Mr. Wheeler was born in Orwell, Addison county, Vermont, September 21, 1820, moving from that state to make his home in Ohio and later becoming a pioneer settler in Iowa. He had lived for many years on his farm in Lakeport township among the friends who now so sadly mourn his death. He was thrice married, being united to his third wife, who now survives him, in 1857. He joined the United Brethren church in 1859 and had since lived a life of morality, piety and Christian uprightness. Just before the end came he expressed the fullest confidence in his eternal welfare and peacefully passed to the Saviour whom he had served on earth to receive his reward in Heaven. The funeral was held in the Lakeport M. E. church last Thursday, Rev. G. P. Hatheway officiating, and the remains were laid to rest in the Sloan cemetery, followed by a large concourse of sorrowing friends."


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