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Lane, Hon. James


Posted By: Ken Wright (email)
Date: 3/10/2008 at 08:25:39

Weekly Maquoketa Excelsior
October 17, 1872

Mr. Lane’s Appointments.

Hon. Jas. T. Lane speaks in this city on Thursday next upon political issues. Mr. Lane is certainly one of the ablest men in this district, and will some day be honored with a seat in Congress. He is a polished speaker, and all who come to hear him will be pleased. The Clinton Herald in a late issue has this to say:

“We have received a notification from the chairman of the State Central Committee that Hon. Jas. T. Lane, of Davenport, one of the Republican candidates for Presidential Elector, will fill a list of appointments in the counties composing the second Congressional District. He will commence at West Liberty, Muscatine county, on the 16th of October, and end at Monticello, Jones county, on the 2d of November. He will be at Clinton on Saturday, the 26th inst.”

Mr. Lane is an effective public speaker. At the bar, his forensic efforts are marked by that power which a fluent and graceful delivery and a complete knowledge of his case always inspires. – In the political field, he brings to bear a well stored mind, and a keen appreciation of the merits of Republicism as well as of the demerits of the fading and dying out Democracy. Our people will be interested, we are sure, in listening to this gentleman. We shall be disappointed if he does not keep his audience very well awake, and dismiss them uncommonly well gratified.


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