NELSON, Johanne (Jenson) 1844-1927
Posted By: Karen L. Robertson (email)
Date: 10/6/2011 at 19:51:25
(Written by her sons, E.G. and Anton Nelson)
Mrs. Johanne Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gulbrand Jenson, was born at Biridalen, Norway, September 22, 1844. She was baptized the same year at the Kirkerud Church, Noss, Postoffice, Norway, and confirmed in 1858 at the Kveskgaard Church at Birdalen.
On June 25, 1866, she was united in marriage to Mr. Mathias Nelson. These young people remained in their home community for eleven years and in 1877 they immigrated to America, after which they lived in the Rock Creek community, west of Osage, until 1882, when they moved to a farm in Rock Township, south of St. Ansgar.
Mrs. Nelson's husband died at their Rock Township home June 23, 1892. Mrs. Nelson remained in this home with her children for almost eleven years after the deaath of her husband. In 1903 she retired from the farm and has since that time made her home with her children. For the first seven or eight years she spent some time at the home of each of her children, but since about the year 1920 she has made her permanent home with her daughter, Mrs. William Seaver.
There were six children born to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson, two of these have preceded their mother in death. The four living children are Mr. E.G. Nelson, St. Ansgar, Iowa; Mrs. Anna Fawver, Austin, Minnesota; Mrs. Wm. Seaver, St. Ansgar, Iowa; and Mr. Anton Nelson, St. Ansgar, Iowa. She is also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Jens Johnson of Osage, Iowa, and Mrs. Anton Johnson of Meltonville, Iowa, by her two brothers, Mr. Ole Jenson and Mr. Anton O. Jenson of Biridalen, Norway, by 22 grandchildren and 13 great grandchildren.
Mrs. Nelson has had exceptionally good health during her long life, with the exception of the last year or two when she has been troubled more or less with heart trouble. This disease gradually increased in severity until she passed away on Friday morning, April 8. During her last illness she often expressed to her pastor and to her near and dear ones, an unfailing faith in the Lord, Jesus Christ, and the firm assurance that for His sake she would soon go to take her place in the Heavenly halls where Christ meets those that have accepted Him by faith. Her profession of Christianity was backed up by her attitude in life. She never hesitated in self sacfifice and never thought of self when there was something she could do for others, either helping them or in giving. She died happily and very peacefully a short time after making a profession as to her faith in her Saviour.
The funeral was conducted April 11 at the N.E. Lutheran Church, St. Ansgar, Iowa, by her pastor, Rev M.E. Waldeland, and she was laid to rest at the Riverview Lutheran cemetery, three miles south of St. Ansgar.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our most heartfelt thanks to the friends and neighbors for the floral offerings and kind sympathy shown us during the sickness and after the death of our mother.
E.G. Nelson and family
Anna Fawver and family
Wm. Seaver and family
Anton Nelson and familySt. Ansgar Enterprise
Mitchell Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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