THORSEN, Clarence John 1888-1945
Posted By: Diane Scott (email)
Date: 7/15/2010 at 15:00:50
Osage Man Dies of Heart Attack
OSAGE, IOWA - Clarence Thorsen suffered a fatal heart attack at 8:30 a.m. Monday while at work at the Cedar Valley Produce. He had not been ill prior to this. Sunday he had just celebrated with his wife their 30th wedding anniversary. Funeral arrangements have not been made pending word from two sons in service.
He was born June 25, 1888, at Rockford, Illinois, son of Gustav and Caroline Thorsen. He moved with his parents to Swea City, Iowa, at the age of 12, then to Bruce, Wisconsin.
He married Olga Havig in Osage in 1915. The couple made their first home in Bruce, Wis., then established a home in Osage in 1921 where they have since resided. Mr. Thorsen was a member of the Lutheran church here.
Surviving are his widow, two daughters, Marjorie and Harriet, Osage; three sons, Staff Sgt. Raymond Thorsen, in Germany; Cpl. John Hubert Thorsen, somewhere in the Pacific, and Russell Thorsen at home.
Two sisters preceded him in death.
[Waterloo Daily Courier, Monday, September 10, 1945]
#2:Funeral Wednesday for Osage Resident
OSAGE, IOWA - Funeral services will be held at 2 p.m. Wednesday for Clarence Thorsen, 57, at the Osage Lutheran church in charge of the Rev. T. P. Solem, with burial in the Osage cemetery. Mr. Thorsen died while at his work at the Cedar Valley Produce plant Monday. Death was due to a heart attack.
Clarence Thorsen was born June 25, 1888, son of Gustav and Caroline Thorsen, at Rockford, Illinois. He came to Osage in 1921, residing here ever since.
Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Marjorie and Harriet, both at home, and three sons: Russell, at home, S/Sgt. Raymond Thorsen in Germany, and Cpl. John Hubert, somewhere in the Pacific.
[Globe Gazette, Tuesday, September 11, 1945]
SUDDENLY AT WORKClarence Thorsen, 57, died suddenly Monday morning while at work at the Cedar Valley Produce company, where he had been employed for the past few years. Mr. Thorsen had gone to work as usual Monday morning. When he arrived at work, he mentioned that his heart distressed him. At 8:30 o'clock he suffered a heart attack, death coming immediately.
Clarence John THorsen, son of Gustav and Caroline Thorsen, was born June 25, 1888, at Rockford, Illinois. He was baptized and confirmed in the Lutheran faith. When he was 12 years of age, the Thorsen family moved to Swea City and some years later went to Bruce Wisconsin.
Mr. Thorsen was married to Olga Havig on September 9, 1915. The couple lived near Bruce, Wisconsin, for a number of years. Twenty-four years ago they returned to Iowa and for a time engaged in farming near Osage. Mr. and Mrs. Thorsen later moved to Osage, where Mr. Thorsen was employed by the Carr Produce for 17 years.
Surviving are the widow and five children: Marjorie Harriet and Russell, all at home; S. Sgt. Raymond, with the occupation forces in Germany; and Cpl. John Hubert, on a hospital ship in the Pacific.
Funeral services were held on Wednesay afternoon, September 12, 1945, at the Champion Funeral Home and at the Osage Lutheran church, Rev. T. Solem officiating.
Mitchell County Press, 13 SEP 1945.
The cemetery listing for Osage City Cemetery shows:THORSEN, CLARENCE JOHN (buried)12 SEP 1945 (location) 1231 12
Mitchell Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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