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BASFORD, Samuel 1828-1904


Posted By: County Coordinator
Date: 4/18/2010 at 15:14:54

Samuel Basford, 1828-1904

Samuel Basford was born in Detroit, Maine, January 1, 1828, and passed away at his home in Orchard, Iowa, March 30, 1904, aged 76 years, 3 months and 1 day. The funeral was held in the First Congregational church of Orchard, April 1, Rev. F. Ellsworth Day of Winnebago City, preaching from Revelation 14:13 and I Peter 1:4. The interment took place in the Orchard cemetery.

Mr. Basford and Miss Mary Bishop were united in marriage July 4, 1854. This union was blessed with seven children: Mary Lillian who passed away when 9 years old; Samuel Linsey, Leslie Summer of Orchard; Lexie Enos of Salem, Oregon; Emmons Lindey of Hancock, Minnesota; Mrs. Mary Lillie Young of Medlia, Minnesota; and Mrs. Lulie May Burtch of Ottumwa, Iowa.

Mr. Basford and family moved from Pittsfield, Main to Iowa in 1870. Mr. Basford was converted in 1880, and united with the Freewill Baptist church, which he served as Deacon for years. Mr. Basford was active along all lines of Christian work.

During the last five years of his life, ill health prevented him from being in attendance at religious services, but he improved every opportunity to converse on the subject of religion with all who called upon him. Mr. Basford's life exemplified the victories of the Christian religion in such a way as to afford great consolation to the sorrowing relatives and to leave a convincing testimony to the world.

[Mitchell Co. Press -- April 7, 1904]

Transcribed by: Marilyn O'Connor, August 2005


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