BURTCH, Adelia (died 1924)
Posted By: County Coordinator
Date: 4/14/2010 at 21:05:15
Mrs. A. J. Burtch, --1924,
[Apparently died Tuesday, December 30, 1924]#1:
Mrs. A. J. Burtch Passed Away at
Her Home on North Seventh
Street Tuesday MorningThe whole community was saddened Tuesday morning by the news that Mrs. A. J. Burtch had passed away at 3 o'clock at her late home on north Seventh street, after an illness of only a little over a week.
Her's was rare, sweet character that blessed all who came in touch with her. An ideal mother, a neighbor whose ministrations were never sought in vain, and her church came next in her thoughts--and they, too, are sorely stricken.
She was always at her place in the church service and the Bible school, and one of the most faithful and consecrated workers in the Women's Mission society of the Ladies Guild.
Her strongest characteristic, perhaps, was the kindliness of her attitude toward everyone, never criticizing, but always looking for the best in them.
She is survived by her three children -- Mrs. Ray Hudson, Charles and Judson Burtch.
Funeral services will be held at the home Friday afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. Koster, and interment will be in our local cemetery.
(Jan. 1, 1925)
HOME TUESDAYAnother much-liked Osage woman, who has spent the greater part of her life here, Mrs. Adelia Burtch, passed away at her home on North 7th St., Tuesday morning at 3:30 o'clock, after an illness covering about a week.
Her illness was caused by congestion of the bowels and at first was considered nothing of an alarming nature. As she grew worse,her trouble was diagnosed as acute appendicitis, and it was decided Monday to operate. Drs. Bickley and Curry were summoned from Waterloo, but could give no help, it was found.
Mrs. Burtch and her husband owned a fine farm northeast of town, and after the latter's death in 1913, she and her two sons, Judson and Charles, operated th eplace. A year ago Mrs. Burtch purchased a residence in town, where she passed away.
Besides the two sons, a daughter, Mrs. Ray Hudson, and two grandchildren, Maurine and Eugene Hudson, survive.
Funeral services are to be held from the Baptist church Friday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock, conducted by her pastor, the Rev. Edward Koster, and interment made in the local cemetery.
MITCHELL COUNTY PRESS, December 31, 1924
#3:The Osage Cemetery listing shows:
BURTCH, ADELIA, (loc) 1033 3, (died/buried) 02 JAN 1925
Mitchell Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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