HOBBS, Hilmer W., S/Sgt. 1924-1945
Posted By: County Coordinator
Date: 6/27/2009 at 00:31:04
#1 of 4 items:
Millitary services were conducted for Staff Sgt. Hilmer W. Hobbs this afternoon at 2:00 o’clock at the parental Lee Hobbs home and at 2:30 at the Methodist Church. Reverend E. E. Pencook, pastor of the Methodist Church was in charge of the prayer service at the home and Reverend. H. F. Risse was in charge of the services at the church with members of the Walter T. Enneberg Post in charge of the services at the grave.
Pall bearers were LaVerne Nightingale, LaVerne Michaels, Warren Pike, Marlin Hanson, LeRoy Kittleson and Galen Kittleson. Interment was in the St. Ansgar City Cemetery.
The body arrived at Austin on the Milwaukee Railroad at 9 o’clock Wednesday morning accompanied by a military escort, and was met at the station by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hobbs and Merle Hobbs who arrived home from the Oakdale Sanitorium Monday evening to attend the reburial services.
Staff Sergeant Hilmer W. Hobbs son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Hobbs, was born July 18, 1924 at Osage, Iowa. He attended different schools in Mitchell County and entered St. Ansgar school at the age of 10 and attended here until 1942. He played on both football and basketball teams and earned a letter.
He was accepted as a member of the Methodist Church of St. Ansgar on April 8, 1939, by the Reverend W. F. Belling.
He was employed by Leon Thorson before entering service on March 20, 1943, reporting to Camp Dodge. He received his basic training at Camp Butner, N.C. and at Camp Pickett, Virginia. He had four 14-day furloughs; married Marilyn Johansen of Lyle on December 19, 1943, while on leave.
He went overseas in October, 1944. Having been in England a short time, he was sent throught France and Belgium and saw action in Germany. It was after that historic Battle of the Bulge when he was reported missing in action the 31st of January. On the 15th of February the definite report came that he had been killed in action on January 31st. He had served in the army one year and 10 months.
He was buried in a military cemetery at Henri-Chapple, Belgium. It was at the request of his parents that the body was disinterred for burial in a local cemetery.
He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Merle Hobbs, his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hobbs, two sisters. Mrs. Alfred Wolff, amd Mrs. Ted Wolff, one brother, Merle H. Hobbs, his grandmother, Mrs. Mary Seffinga of Lemington, Wisconsin.
[St. Ansgar Museum Obituary collection, dated 1947 -- St Ansgar Enterprise or Mitchell County Press.]
St. Ansgar -- Mrs. Hilmer Hobbs received word from the war department that her husband, Sgt. Hilmer Hobbs, is missing in action somewhere in Germany. Sgt. Hobbs is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hobbs; and another son, Merle, a seaman on the U.S.S. Houston, has been missing in action for the past three years.
[Mason City Globe-Gazette, Sat., Feb. 17, 1945]
ST. ANSGAR, IOWA - The casketed remains of S/Sgt., Hilmer W. Hobbs, the first World War II deceased veteran of the army from St. Ansgar to be returned from overseas for final Interment, will arrive here within the next few weeks, accompanied by a uniformed army escort from the Chicago distributing center of the American Graves Registration Division.
The body of Sgt. Hobbs, who served overseas with the army was interred in the Henri-Chapelle Military Cemetery in Belgium but has been brought to the United States for burial at the request of next of kin, Lee R. Hobbs, St. Ansgar.
[Mason City Globe Gazette, November 29, 1947]
#4:[Photo below is also from Mason City Globe Gazette, 29 NOV 1947]
Mitchell Obituaries maintained by Sharyl Ferrall.
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