John W. Stiffler (1907)
Posted By: Kent Transier
Date: 11/8/2023 at 18:04:40
The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, February 1, 1907
Page 4, Columns 3 & 4JOHN W. STIFFLER DEAD
Former Citizen of Winterset Dies at Carthage, Missouri. Belonged to Co. F.
John W. Stiffler, for many years the resident of Winterset, died at his home in Carthage, Missouri, recently.
Mr. Stiffler was a member of Company F, Fourth Iowa, the company of great soldiers, who marched through Georgia. With Tom Mackay and two or three other Winterset boys, he made a famous march as a forager for Sherman’s army, Company F saw nearly five years service. John Stiffler joined the company as soon as his age permit gave him leave to join the army. His father, who had two sons in the army, refused permission until he was eighteen years old.
John Stiffler was a member of the Methodist church of Winterset. He was a sturdy, honest man. Lauren Stiffler and Arthur Goshorn are his surviving blood relatives in Winterset. His wife had many relatives in the city.
We take the following from the Carthage Press: After an illness of over seven months John W. Stiffler passed away last night at 6:15 o’clock at the family residence at 521 West Chestnut street.
The end had been expected for several days and all of the four children, and a brother from Nebraska, were at the bedside. Dropsy and heart trouble were the cause of his death.
The deceased had lived in Carthage for fifteen years and was among the best known men of the town, and no one had more friends or was more highly respected than he. For two years he, in connection with his son, Chas. L., operated a clothing store on the West side of the square, and since that time he has owned an interest in the clothing store which his sons conduct at Neodesha, Kansas. However he has continued to live here. In church circles he was well known, having been a member of the M. E. Church since sixteen years ago.
Besides a wife the deceased leaves four children: Chas L. and Louis, who are in the clothing business at Neodesha; Mrs. Fred Knight, who lives on McGregor street; and Miss Flora Stiffler, who resides at home. One brother, Rev. M. F. Stiffler, of DeWitte, Nebraska, is here and the other brothers and sisters are at the old home in Pennsylvania, but distance and their declining years prevented their coming.
The funeral will be held Sunday afternoon at 2:30 at the family residence, 531 West Chestnut street. The remains will be interred and Park cemetery.
John W. Stiffler was born in Blair county, Pennsylvania, February 2, 1845 which made him nearly sixty-two years of age. With his parents he moved to Winterset, Iowa, when he was eleven years of age, and grew up to his majority there. On June 7, 1868 he was married to Miss Ellen Clearwater at Winterset and continued to live there until 1891. In 1863 he joined the union Army, going with the Fourth Iowa Infantry, and served until the close of the war.
Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Stiffler, three of whom died and are buried at the early home in Iowa.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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