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Robert Eugene "Bobby" Swallow (1930)


Posted By: Kent Transier
Date: 3/21/2024 at 22:21:35

The Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, June 5, 1930
Page 1, Column 1


Then Ends Own Life, Boy Dies in Hospital, Three Dead


The murder and suicide occurred Tuesday at the Hindman farm two and a half miles east of Earlham where Mrs. Swallow, 35 years old, was living with her three small boys, Bobby, Roland, 12 years old, and Nile a boy of fifteen years, and Agnes Hindman, a girl of 10. The Swallows separated May 1 and Mrs. Swallow sued for divorce.


The Swallows were married in Des Moines in 1915. Mrs. Swallow was a Clayton and was a sister of Mrs. Louie Meyer...

The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, June 12, 1930
Page 4, Column 4


Quite a number from here attended to funeral of Mrs. Letha Clayton Swallow, and her son, Bobby, at Earlham, Thursday morning. The burial was at the Van Meter cemetery.

Among the relatives who were here from a distance were her father, Charles Clayton, of St. Louis, Missouri; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Clayton, of Mitchell, South Dakota; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Clayton of Graettinger; James D. Clayton and Mr. and Mrs. Williams, of Ruthven, and Mr. and Mrs. Hawbaker, of Dallas center.

Dallas County News
Adel, Iowa
Wednesday, June 18, 1930
Page 5, Column 5

Robert Eugene Swallow, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Swallow was born February 15, 1921, in Waukee, Iowa, and died June 3, 1930, at his home near Earlham, Iowa; his age being 9 years, 3 months and 19 days.

He leaves to mourn his loss his two brothers, Nile and Rolland, also two grandparents.

Robert was a quiet, lovable boy. He had many friends. He will be greatly missed both in his class in the public school and in the Sunday school.

We believe that his courteous and kindly life will ever live in the lives of his class-mates and friends. In Paradise he still lives, for the Master has need of him.

The service was held for the mother and son in the Church of Christ in Earlham, Iowa and was conducted by the pastor, Dr. A. N. Simpson.

Interment was in the Van Meter Cemetery.

Transcriber's note: The First article, from The Winterset News, is a lengthy, detailed description of the murders and suicide, not pertinent to genealogy, and has been excerpted. The family was living on a farm in Madison Township in the 1930 Federal Census. Full name taken from Iowa Death Certificate.


Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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