Waldo W. Mumford (1921)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 3/5/2017 at 09:00:05
Winterset News
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 11, 1921
Page 1Waldo W. Mumford was born November 16, 1876 near Webster, Adair county, Iowa and died April 28, 1921 near Dickens, Iowa, being at the time of his death 44 years, 5 months and 12 days old.
He was married to Nancy Lowe, January 16, 1901. To this union were born eight children, five boys, Earnest, Lee, Virgil, Carl and Loyd, and three girls, Mildred, Ethel and Mrs. Chester Cox, of Dickens. The family moved to Lucas county in 1905 and from there to Palo Alto county, March 1, 1920, living there until the time of his death.
He joined the M. E. church when a young man, changing to the Adventists faith about two years ago. He was always a devoted Christian man, ever holding in high esteem the teachings of the Bible.
He was plowing in his field Tuesday afternoon when one of the horses began kicking and it is believed he was thrown from his plow and it looked as though the horses had turned sharply, passing him. The plow lay cutting a horrible gash in his head and crushing his skull. There were other marks and bruises about his face and body. One son in the same field soon discovered him and rushed for help. Four doctors were called, one a specialist from Sioux City, but they held out no hopes for his recovery. He never regained consciousness and passed away Thursday morning at three o’clock.
He leaves to mourn his death, his wife, eight children, two brothers, James Mumford, of Russell, and Thomas Kleth, of Winterset, two sisters, Mrs. Verdie Lake, of Winterset, and Mrs. Lizzie Schrader, of Albert City, besides a host of friends.
Funeral services were conducted at Zion Sunday afternoon by Rev. Star, of Ottumwa, and interment made in Zion cemetery.
________________________Transcriber’s note: Waldo W. Mumford was married in Madison County, Iowa per Madison County Marriage Records.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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