Rev. John Charles White (1920)
Posted By: Mary Welty Hart
Date: 4/27/2012 at 15:14:19
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, December 8, 1920
Page 1Death of REV. J. C. WHITE
Rev. J. C. White, who served St. Joseph's church, until Oct. 1, died Sunday afternoon, Dec. 5, 1920, in Omaha, after a decline in health covering several years. Mr. White was a sufferer from anemia, undergoing four transfusions of blood. Until this fall he had been active in spite of his health and retired from church duties when he could no longer fulfill his obligations. Mr. White had lived here several years as the head of St. Joseph's, but was a native of Lee township.
He had become an authority upon Aberdeen Angus cattle, with his brother having a fine stock farm near Perry devoted to these cattle. He recently resigned from the presidency of the state Aberdeen Angus association on account of his illness. Several time he had gone away for hospital care, following serious heart trouble, but his case seemed to hold little encouragement to himself and friends
Rev. White was a hard worker, deeply devoted to his chosen career. Funeral services will be held in Des Moines tomorrow morning at 9:30 at St. Ambrose's cathedral.
________________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, December 22, 1920
Page 7REV. J. C. WHITE
Deep sorrow was cast over this community Monday, Dec. 6, when the sad news was flashed over the telephone lines that Father White, the late pastor of St. Joseph's church, had departed this life. This devoted priest is no more, save in tender and everlasting memory. While in Winterset he made a permanent name as a very broad minded and courteous gentleman, who, while loyal to his own beliefs, was kind and gracious to all.
In the death of Father White the church has lost a staunch defender, the state a good citizen and the diocese of Des Moines one of its ablest priests. He was born in Erie, Pa., in 1855, coming west with his parents when a mere child, and they settled in Des Moines. Here he attended St. Ambrose school, where he imbibed the principles of religion and practices of piety which led him into the priesthood. When he was 14 years of age he learned the building and architectural trade. When he had earned sufficient money to pay his tuition he entered St. Joseph's college at Dubuque, and completed his ecclesiastical course at the Grand seminary, Montreal, Canada. In 1881 he was ordained priest by the late Bishop McMullin on the feast of the immaculate conception, and said his first mass in St. Patrick's church, Irish Settlement.
His first charge was Chariton, where he spent two years. Since leaving there he served as pastor at Marengo, Williamsburg, Parnett, Dunlap, Woodbine, South Ottumwa, Maloy and Winterset.
Father White died Sunday afternoon in Omaha, at the home of his niece, Mrs. W. S. Duncan. On Tuesday morning requiem mass was celebrated in St. Cecelia's cathedral, Omaha, by Very Rev. F. P. McManus of Council Bluffs. Following mass the body lay in state until 2 o'clock, when it was taken to the home of his cousin, Mrs. W. T. Cavanaugh, where it lay in state until Thursday morning at 9:30 when the funeral was held from St. Ambrose cathedral. At the appointed hour relatives and friends from all parts of Iowa wended their way to the cathedral to witness the last sad rites that the church gave to her venerable son.
Rt. Rev. Bishop Drumm with all the dignity and solemnity of the Catholic church celebrated the requiem high mass, assisted by Father Mulvihill as deacon, Father McNamara as subdeacon, Father McAlister and Father Noonan as deacons of honor, Rt.. Rev. Msgr. Flavin as assistant priest and Father Flavin as master of ceremonies, with about fifty priests in the sanctuary.
Bishop Drumm pronounced the final absolution, and paid a feeling tribute to the virtues and attainments of the departed priest and expressed to relatives, priests and friends his deep sorrow at the great loss to the church and to the diocese. Interment was in St. Ambrose cemetery, with Father Mulvihill officiating at the grave.
Father White leaves to mourn his loss, two sisters and three brothers, and numerous relatives and friends.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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