Elizabeth (Hardesty) Moore (1919)
Posted By: Mary Welty Hart
Date: 1/29/2012 at 12:43:04
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 28, 1919
Page 5MRS. W. T. MOORE
Mrs. W. T. Moore of Dexter died on last Monday at Colfax after an illness of several months following a stroke of paralysis. The funeral services were held in Dexter on Thursday. This estimable lady came to Penn township about twenty years ago and her demise is mourned by a wide circle of friends.
Those from Winterset attending the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lenocker, Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Greer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bond, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Macumber, Mrs. D. M. Griswold and Mrs. Fred Hartsook.
________________________Dexter Sentinel
Dexter, Iowa
May, 1919Elizabeth Jane Hardesty was born near Covington, Indiana, April 3rd, 1852 and died May 19, 1919, aged 67 years, 1 mo and 16 days.
When quite young she removed with the family to Illinois, where in Feb. 1870 she was married to W. T. Moore. Seven children blessed this union.
Those who remain to mourn her loss are the husband and three children i. e. Leonard P. of Dexter, Geo. Of Great Falls, Montana and Mrs. H. D. Repass of Fairfield, Iowa, and three grandchildren and one sister, Mrs. Susan Galbreath of Emerson, Iowa.
The family came to Iowa in Dec. 1891 and settled on a farm south of Dexter. In the spring of 1905 they moved to Dexter and in Aug. 1917 to Earlham.
When a girl she was converted and united with the Christian Church—later she connected herself with the Methodist Episcopal church and remained in that Communion until her death.
Mrs. Moore was an earnest and devoted Christian—always optimistic and cheerful, sympathetic and kind. Her friends were numbered by all who knew her. The bereaved family have the sympathy of a large circle of friends.
Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon, May 22 at the Methodist church in Earlham in charge of Rev. A. P. Keast and E. Ilrenfritz. The floral offerings were many and beautiful.
Rest is missing.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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