James Wilson Webb (1900)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 6/24/2009 at 09:04:33
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, August 16, 1900
Psge 8James Webb Dies Suddenly.
James Webb, an old resident of this county, died very suddenly at his home in the northeast part of the city Saturday evening. He had been troubled with heart disease for some time, but otherwise was enjoying the usual health. Saturday evening he had been up town on business. After returning, he started to seat himself in a chair and fell over, dying instantly. Funeral services were held from the home on Sunday afternoon.
________________________The Winterset Reporter
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, August 16, 1900
Page 2Sudden Demise of James Webb.
Last Friday evening this community was startled by the announcement that James Webb had dropped dead at his home in the northwest part of town.
Mr. Webb had been about as usual during the day in apparently good health. In the evening he went into the house and was in the act of shaking hands with a lady friend who had called when he fell dead. Medical attendance was immediately summoned but nothing could be done to revive him.
The deceased was born in Ohio, June 15, 1831. When a boy he left his native state with his parents and located in Indiana. In that state he was married to Miss Rebecca Cary.
He served during the war with an Indiana regiment. In the sixties he came to Iowa and located in Davis county, and while there he united with the M. E. church. He soon after came to this county and located in Madison township where he continued to reside until he came to this city two or three years ago. Those who knew him best speak of him as being plain and honest in all matters; was rough spoken but tender hearted.
At the time of his death he was 69 years 1 month and 26 days of age.
The funeral was conducted from the residence Sunday afternoon by the Pitzer Post, G.A.R., Rev. English preaching the sermon. His remains were followed to their last resting place in Rock City Cemetery by relatives and a large number of sympathizing friends.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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