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John Montgomery (1875)


Posted By: Ida Morse
Date: 7/25/2008 at 15:58:40

Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, August 19, 1875
Page 6, Column 4

Something over a week ago Uncle John Montgomery of Union came to town and engaged one of our clergy to go out to his home last Sunday and preach the funeral sermon of his son whose death we noted a few weeks ago.

The minister went out Sunday morning and found Uncle John dead. The day before he was taken with some sudden sickness and died within an hour. Mr. Montgomery was one of our old settlers, a man of energy, pleasant in manners, much liked by all who knew him. He will be greatly missed by all his neighbors.

Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Thursday, August 26, 1875
Page 3, Column 3


WHEREAS, It has pleased the Allwise Being to remove from our midst, on the 14th inst., our worthy brother, John Montgomery, thereby inflicting a loss deeply felt by the members of Winterset Grange, No. 378, and

WHEREAS, He was a kind neighbor and a good Patron of Husbandry, and respected by his neighbors, therefore be it

Resolved, by the members of the Winterset Grange, that their sympathies be tendered to the family of the deceased in their sore affliction.

Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to the WINTERSET MADISONIAN, Winterset News, and Patrons Helper, for publication.
O. A. Moser,
N. W. Guiberson, Com.
John McMillen


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