Malinda (Herring) Mendenhall (1895)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 3/3/2008 at 16:05:03
The Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, March 15, 1895
Page 2County and City
Mrs. N. Mendenhall, of Des Moines, formerly of this city, died very suddenly Tuesday evening or night. Her trouble was apoplexy. Her daughter, Mrs. S. D. Koser, was down and spent Sunday visiting her parents, and Monday came home leaving her mother apparently in the best of health. On Tuesday, however, she was stricken, and survived but a few hours. Mrs. Koser started to Des Moines again on the first train Wednesday. Mrs. Mendenhall was somewhat advanced in years, but did not seem very much broken down. About seventeen years ago the Mendenhall’s came to Winterset and engaged in the hotel business, keeping the old Kirkwood house that stands opposite the Methodist church. LATER—it is learned that the remains have been brought to Winterset for interment, and the funeral services will be held at Mr. Koser’s residence this morning at 10 o’clock.
________________________Coordinator's note: Deceased's maiden name found in the Iowa Death Record of the daughter Mrs. Koser.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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