John B. Huffman (1891)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 12/25/2007 at 16:44:54
The Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, June 5, 1891
Page 3County and City
Mr. J. B. Huffman, of Lincoln township, died very suddenly Monday of heart trouble. Some months ago he had an attack while in town, and was carried into the First National Bank and cared for till he recovered. He had the grip some time ago, and since that time complained of pain in the region of the heart. He was an old settler of Madison county. No further particulars of his life have been furnished to us.
________________________The Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Friday, June 19, 1891
Page 2Obituary
J. B. Huffman, deceased, was born in Butler county, Ohio ----, -----, 1848. He emigrated with his parents to Indiana in 1869 and from there to Springfield, Illinois, in 1849 where he worked at the blacksmith trade. While there he became acquainted with Miss Amanda Huffman, then came to Iowa and entered a piece of land in Appanoose county in 1851. The following spring he returned to Springfield to claim his bride, they were married January 1st, 1854, and moved to their Iowa home in Appanoose county, where they resided till 1852, when they sold out and located in Shelby, Iowa. From there he came to Madison county and settled on the old Fox farm where he resided for some years.
In 1862 he concluded to try the plains and drive freight across the American desert. He made several trips during the seven years of exposed life, and endured many hardships and privations, till health almost destroyed he returned to Madison county and located on the home farm, where he died June 1st, 1891.
By his death Madison county lost one of her best citizens and the community one of its true friends. He was honest, energetic and sincere, no man came to his door hungry but what received of his bounty and no one loved truth better than he. His maxim in life was to do as he wished to be done by: his life was an example worth following.
NOTE: The dates given above seem to be badly confused, but they are given as in the manuscript sent to us, and we have the means of reporting them.---Editor.
_________________________Coordinator's note: First name taken from gravestone.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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