Elmer Clayton Yeoman (1884)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler (email)
Date: 9/19/2007 at 18:38:19
Winterset Madisonian - May 1, 1884
Winterset, Iowa
Elmer Clayton Yeomans was born in Madison county, December 2nd, 1863, and died at Winterset, April 24th, 1884. He had been gradually failing under the disease which finally terminated his life for nearly a year, and had been confined to the house since last January. Though a great sufferer most of the time he bore up bravely and hopefully until nearly the last, and when it became evident that the end was near he prepared to meet it calmly and thoughtfully. He sought trustfully for pardoning grace through the Lord, Jesus Christ, and it is a great comfort to his friends, to know that before he passed away he was able to express a confiding hope in the Savior.
The funeral was attended on last Friday afternoon by a large company of sympathizing friends and neighbors, the services being conducted by Rev. Dr. Robertson, pastor of the Presbyterian Church.
Note: Transcribed as published. Last name is "Yeoman".
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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