Laura Emma Good (1880)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler (email)
Date: 9/2/2007 at 16:32:59
Winterset Madisonian - June 3, 1880
Winterset, Iowa
page 7DIED
Departed this life, near White Rock, Kansas, on the 15th day of May, 1880, Mrs. Laura Emma Good, wife of Jacob S. Good, and daughter of Rev. H. H. Badley and his wife, aged 28 years and 1 month.
Deceased was born in Indianola, Iowa, April 8, 1857; was converted, and joined the M. E. Church when but a girl, under the pastorate of Rev. E. A. Winning, since which time she has been an exemplary member. She was always rather slender in health, but was able to pursue the ordinary business of life. She came with her father and family to Madison county fifteen years ago, when she went to Kansas to teach school. Having taught a few terms she was married to her now bereaved husband, whom she leaves with a little son to mourn their loss. She fell at the stroke of that feil destroyer, Consumption, in the quick form, but she was ready, and prepared to go. A few days before her departure she called her husband and some friends to her, and gave minute directions as to all her affairs, and then threw off all wordly cares, and as one of the witnesses of her death wrote, "seemed to pass away as in a peaceful sleep." The funeral services were very impressive and solemn. Then the procession to the cemetery formed, forty teams, besides others not with teams, and laid her body away in the tomb, under the watch-care of the angels, until the resurrection morn sends its immortal light into all tombs. And the dead in Christ rising first will be ever with the Lord.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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