Private Billy James Stewart (1944)
Posted By: Pat Hochstetler
Date: 4/1/2007 at 13:50:23
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, March 28, 1945BURIED IN FRANCE
Pvt. Billie Stewart of Macksburg who was killed in action in Normandy on July 12, 1944, was buried in the American Military cemetery No. 1, at St. Laurent Sur Mars, France, according to information received recently by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart of Macksburg. The grave was completely identified, to plat, row, and number.
The Purple Heart medal, which was awarded posthumously to Private Stewart, for the wounds which resulted in his death, has been received here by his wife, Mrs. Doris Stewart.
Note: cemetery records indicate there is at least a stone at the Moon cemetery.
_______________________The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, August 2, 1944
Official Notices from War Department Arrived Here Tuesday
Official word was received here Tuesday of the death of two Madison county young men in France, Pvt. Billy J. Stewart of Macksburg, and Pfc. Aaron G. Stump of St. Charles. These are the first two deaths reported in this county since the invasion of Normandy. Stump was wounded in action June 14th and died at a hospital in France two days later, while Stewart was reported to have been killed in action July 12th. To both families the government wired that a letter would follow, giving more details of the supreme sacrifices that were made by these two Madison county youths.
Pvt. Billy J. Stewart of Macksburg was killed in action in France July 12th according to a telegram from the war department received by his wife Tuesday morning.
Billy, the 22-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart of Macksburg, had written his wife and his parents that he had arrived safely in France shortly after June 10th. As an infantry replacement, he had immediate service in combat with the 23rd. infantry regiment. The last letter they had from him was written July 9th.
Stewart was inducted into the U.S. army October 10, 1943, and was sent to Camp Roberts, Calif. Following his basic training he was home on furlough the first of March, and reported at Fort George Meade in Maryland March 13th. He sailed about April first as an infantry replacement, and was in England until he was sent to Normandy.
The Young man was well known in Macksburg and Madison county. He was graduated from the Macksburg high school and for the past couple of years had operated, with his brother, Marion, the Stewart Bros. Produce Station. He was married to Miss Gladys Thomas of Macksburg, December 27, 1942, and she is now assisting with the operation of the station in Macksburg.
In addition to his wife, he leaves his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Stewart, and one brother, Marion, all of Macksburg. He is a grandson of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Alexander of Winterset.
The Winterset Madisonian
Winterset, Iowa
Wednesday, May 29, 1946
Page 1Macksburg to Hold Gold Start Service
A Gold Start memorial service will be held at the Methodist church here Sunday at 10 a.m. in honor of the service men from this community who gave their lives for their country in the recent conflict.
Those to be honored are Billy J. Stewart, Ben Kiddoo, Lloyd Hudson, Eddie Briggles, Dale Bell, and Edward Butcher.
The Rev. J.A. Englund will have charge of the service, assisted by the American Legion.
_______________________Coordinator's note: Middle name taken from Madison County Birth Record.
Madison Obituaries maintained by Linda Griffith Smith.
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