Posted By: David (email)
Date: 2/19/2004 at 11:42:38
The Chariton Leader, Chariton, Iowa
Saturday, March 3, l877LUCY DULAN is a school marm in the classic precincts of Benton. she is a high strung teacher, with very exalted ideas of discipline. Her ideas of teaching partake very strongly of the popular theories of the dark ages, that compulsory training under rudiments of torture is more effective and more productive of good than the modern system, that appears more to reason and less to hickory aids. On Thursday she was arrested and brought before Esq. N.B. Gardner, of this city, charged with assault and battery upon the person of a young woman in her school, named BELLE MARSH, aged about sixteen years. It seems that the enlightened specimen of barbarism who runs the school, forbid the pupils from playing the harmless game known as "tag", and having, as she thought, detected several of her pupils at it in violation of her royal excellence's orders, among them, as she claims, MISS MARSH, she prepared her salutary discipline by arranging them all in a row and punishing them to her !
heart's content with hazel rod. The evidence clearly showed that MISS MARSH was not guilty of violating the rules, yet the jury disagreed and rendered no verdict because the beating was so severe.A new trial was set for Friday. In point of opinion we heartily disapprove of the barbarities practiced by many of our public teachers, and our sympathies are with the pupils, who, in nine cases out of ten, are less culpible than the (*can't read) teachers who are so ready to put upon them because they have the ability in this State. Both law and public sentiment ought to condemn these outrages, which are too frequent in this country to be creditable to our free school system.
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February l7, 2004
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