Mrs. Elmer Casten
Posted By: Beverly Gerdts (email)
Date: 3/21/2023 at 14:00:15
Columbus Gazette, Columbus Junction, Iowa
Thursday, April 1, 1915
Page 1Wapello, March 31- Wapello friends were shocked today by the announcement of the death of Mrs. J. Elmer Casten, aged 24. Mrs. Casten, before her marriage was Miss Lela Bolon, of Marsh. Mrs. Casten is survived by her husband and by two children, Helen age 4 and Marjorie, age 2. An infant daughter was buried a week ago yesterday. Mrs. Casten's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Bolen of Marsh and three sisters, Mrs. Clarence Rowe and Mrs Pearl Carmick of near Marsh, and Miss Mary Bolen at home and one brother, C. L. Bolen of Wapello also survive. The funeral will be held from the home tomorrow morning at 10:30 o'clock. Rev. McBain will conducted the service. Interment will be ... (article cut off)
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