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Posted By: volunteer
Date: 3/13/2009 at 00:17:44

ALBERT W. WILLIAMSON, a farmer residing on section 30, Grand View Township, was born in Port Louisa, this county, in 1853, and was the second in a family of five children born to John II. and Esther Ann (Townsley) Williamson, who were natives of Ohio. His father emigrated to Illinois in 1830, settling near Monmouth, Warren County, where the paternal grandfather located two years later. In the year 1835 John came to Iowa, settling in Grand View Township, Louisa County, where he located a claim and remained a short time, but later returned to Illinois. He came back in the spring of 1836, and bought from the Government a 160-acre tract of land on section 3. He was then a single man, but forming the acquaintance of Miss Townsley, they were united in marriage in Greene County, Ohio, in 1840. They remained there for some years, but later returned to Illinois, making that their home for some time, but once more became residents of Iowa. In 1845 or 1846 Mr. Willinmson ngain purchased a farm in Port Louisa Township of 160 acres, which he greatly improved, but afterward sold it and became the owner of 400 acres on section 3, Grand View Township, where he resided until his death. which occurred Dec. 25, 1883, at the age of sixty-nine years. His estimable wife survived him for a little more than one year, she departing this life in June, 1885, when sixty-four years of age.

Our subject was reared to farm life, and received his education in the district school of this county. He was here united in marriage, in 1876, with Emma Winders, who was born in Grand View Township, and is a daughter of David and Ann (Holliday) Winders, who were natives of Ohio, and came to Iowa in 1840, settling in Grand View Township, where Mr. Winders engaged in farming for awhile, but later kept a grocery store. His death occurred in 1885, at the age of sixty-five years. His excellent wife still survives him, and resides in Grand View Township.

After his marriage our subject took up his residence upon his present farm, which now consists of 160 acres of fine, arable land in good cultivation. Mr. Williamson is independent in politics. He and his wife belong to the church called the Body of Christ. To them have been born seven children: Everett, Pearly. Koy, Nonh, Reuben, Ruth and John, all of whom are at home attending school. Although comparatively a young roan, Mr. Williamson is a most successful farmer, and is highly esteemed by the citizens of Louisa County.

Source: Portraits and Biographies copyrighted by Chapman Bros. 1885


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