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Date: 5/12/2019 at 22:41:44
MASON, WILLIAM, farmer, Sec. 28; P. O. Ft. Madison; son of Alexander Mason, who was born East of the Alleghany Mountains, in Pennsylvania, where he married Elizabeth Simonton, also born in that vicinity ; had ten children—three sons and seven daughters ; William, the eldest son, was born East of the Alleghanies, in 1802 ; when 1 year of age his parents removed to Washington Co., Penn., where, June 30, 1831, he married Miss Margaret McComb, daughter of Robert McComb, whose biography appears elsewhere ; she was born in Washington Co., Penn., 1806 ; in 1837, they removed to Jefferson Co., Ohio, and in 1842. to their present place of residence. His farm contains 68 acres of land, valued at $70 per acre. They have had eleven children, eight sons and one daughter still living—Alexander, born in Pennsylvania, May 23, 1832, a resident of Minneapolis, Minn., but formerly a successful merchant in St. Louis ; Robert M., born in Pennsylvania, Dec 6, 1833 ; is the only son at home ; Elizabeth, the only living daughter, was born in Pennsylvania March 10, 1836, remains at home with her parents; John K., born in Ohio, March 11, 1838, a carpenter by trade, resident of Oregon ; William C., born in Ohio, Dec. 21, 1839, a physician at Walnut Bureau Co., Ill.; he is a graduate of the Keokuk Medical College, and served through the late war, in which he was wounded, after which he served as Hospital Steward ; Samuel J., born in Ohio, April 1, 1841 ; he also served in the late war ; was badly wounded and discharged ; is now a money broker in St. Louis ; David H., born in Iowa, Feb. 15, 1843; resides at Alexandria, Mo., and is engaged in the American Sabbath School work ; James S., born in Iowa, Nov. 25, 1844, and died November, 1875 ; Thomas H., was born Dec. 26, 1846, a farmer in Kansas; Walter L., born Dec. 5, 1848, also farming in Kansas; Isabel, born Feb. 26, 1852, and died Aug. 9, 1852. Mr. Mason is a Republican ; the entire family are members of the Presbyterian Church, of which Mr. Mason is an Elder, the father and mother uniting in Pennsylvania when they were quite young.
CHICAGO: WESTERN HISTORICAL COMPANY, 1879Transcription typed/proofed as article was originally published in 1879
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