Posted By: Jean Kramer (email)
Date: 1/26/2004 at 13:00:25
Biography reproduced from page 513 of Volume II of the History of Kossuth County written by Benjamin F. Reed and published in 1913:
Reuben L. Lamoreux, who is successfully engaged in the automobile business in Titonka, was for many years actively identified with the agricultural interests of Buffalo township, where he still owns a valuable and well improved farm of two hundred and twenty-two acres. He is a native of Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred in Luzerne county on the 1st of September, 1853. When he was a child of four years his parents removed from the Keystone state to Illinois, locating on a farm in Carroll county in 1857.
The boyhood and youth of Reuben L. Lamoreux was passed on his father’s farm in Illinois, his education being obtained in the common schools. Upon attaining mature years he left home and started out to make his own way in the world, subsequently coming Iowa. He first located in Grundy county but later came to Kossuth county, settling in Buffalo township. There for more than thirty years he successfully engaged in diversified farming and stock-raising, being known as one of the most capable agriculturists in the township. In connection with the cultivation of his fields he raised stock and for about twenty-five years owned and operated a well-drilling outfit. He sunk many of the wells in Kossuth and adjoining counties, some of them having been put down to a depth of three hundred feet, while a few were flowing wells. Mr. Lamoreux followed farming until 1912, when he rented his place and removed to Titonka and purchased a business lot on which he erected a garage and put in a stock of automobiles. Although this was his first venture in commercial life he has made a most creditable record, as up to October 31 he had sold thirty-three cars, an unusual achievement in a town of three hundred inhabitants. When he removed to town, Mr. Lamoreux purchased a residence property, which he has extensively remodeled and improved, transforming it into one of the attractive homes of the town.
Grundy county was the scene of Mr. Lamoreux’ marriage in February, 1874, to Miss Susan C. Eisenberg, who was born and reared in Illinois. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Lamoreux numbers seven, five sons and two daughters, whose births occurred in the following order: Samuel, who is engaged in the nursery business in Buffalo township, where he holds the office of assessor; Chester; J. W., who is operating the old homestead; Victor, who is assisting in the garage; Vance, a machinist, who is assisting his father in the garage; Katie, the wife of Ben Longbottom, who owns and operates a farm of a hundred and sixty acres in Buffalo township; and Lusetta, who married William Hefner, a farmer of Buffalo township.
At national elections Mr. Lamoreux votes the republican ticket, but locally he supports such men and measures as he deems best adapted to serve the needs of the people. He was for many years identified with educational affairs in Buffalo township and was for a time treasurer of his school district. He is a man of more than average business ability, and during the long period of his residence here has at all times so conducted his transactions as to his general worth and integrity. He stands high in the community both as a business man and private citizen, and enjoys the confidence and esteem of a large circle of friends, many of whom have known him since he first located in the county.
Kossuth Biographies maintained by Linda Ziemann.
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