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Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 2/13/2006 at 22:16:57

"Fairfield Ledger", Dec. 1, 1966, Pg. 5, Col. 2

DALE KRAMER, 56, IOWA AUTHOR, TAKEN IN DEATH. Widely known author and newspaper-man, died Wed. at his home in Sigourney. Native of Jefferson County, attended Parsons College and University of Iowa, working as a linotype operator and reporter. His first newspaper job was with the "Fairfield Daily Ledger" in 1928. Author of nine books. He also wrote for numerous magazines and served as a combat correspondent for an Army magazine, "Yank", during World War II. Books included "The Wild Jackasses", dealing with farm protest movements in American history. A portion of the book was devoted to the late Milo RENO, one-time Batavia school teacher who headed the Farmers Holiday Movement in the 1920s.

KRAMER also wrote biographies of O. HENRY, Heywood BROUN and Harold ROSS of "New Yorker" magazine. As a war correspondent, he was credited with locating "Tokyo Rose" a few days after American forces entered Japan in 1945.

Born in Batavia, moving to Sigourney as a child. He also lived in Minneapolis and New York City before returning to Sigourney with his family in 1955. Grad. Sigourney HS. In 1956 he was an unsuccessful Democratic candidate for Congress from the Fourth Iowa District. He later worked on newspapers in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids.

Survived by his wife, a son and a daughter...

[Also posted to the Keokuk County Obituaries board]

*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s).


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