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STUMP, George W. 1860 - 1907


Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 5/25/2021 at 20:23:28

"The Fairfield Journal"
Monday, April 15, 1907
Page 3, Column 2

George STUMP Took His Own Life Near Eldon Today.

Shortly after noon today George STUMP, about 50 years of age committed suicide at his home in Des Moines township, three miles east of Eldon. Coroner Gaumer and Deputy Sheriff Carter left for Eldon this afternoon.

Particulars are lacking but it is reported that STUMP while in the yard at his place committed the rash act with a knife, presumably cutting his throat(.) STUMP has been in poor health and was no doubt temporarily deranged. He leaves a family.


"The Fairfield Tribune"
Wednesday, April 17, 1907
Page 7, Column 5

Died By His Own Hand.

Monday, shortly after dinner, Coroner Gaumer and Deputy Sheriff Carter obeyed the summons as officers of the law and went to Des Moines township to investigate and report on the death of George STUMP.

Mr. STUMP was a farmer living near County Line, about 40 years of age, and for some time has been in poor health. It is thought he brooded over his condition until his mind became unbalanced. He was discovered Monday shortly after dinner by his wife lying in the garden with his throat cut. After the first dreadful shock was over and help had been summoned the officers were sent for and a coroner's jury composed of: Jno. Ham, W. J. Wilburn and E. F. Gonterman, pronounced the verdict of death by his own hands. We are not informed as to arrangements for the funeral. Deceased leaves a wife and family husbandless and fatherless.


"The Fairfield Evening Journal"
Wednesday, April 17, 1907
Page 5, Column 4

George STUMP Cut His Own Throat Because of Illness.

No arrangements have been announced for the funeral of George STUMP who committed suicide Monday noon at his home in Des Moine (sic) township.

Leaving Mr. STUMP at the dinner table his wife went into the garden back of the house for a short time. Going around the house a little later she found him lying in a pool of his own blood in the front yard with his throat cut from ear to ear. His razor lying by his side told the story. Neighbors and friends were hurriedly summoned by life was extinct when they arrived. The authorities at Eldon were notified and they summoned Coroner J. S. Gaumer and Deputy Sheriff C. O. Carter.

These officers arrived at the STUMP home about six o'clock and Coroner Gaumer found that STUMP had severed his wind pipe and jugular vein. After making some inquiries, enpaneled the following jury: John Hain; W. J. Wilbourne and T. F. Gonterman, and examined several witnesses. After hearing the evidence the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased had died from wounds inflicted by himself, ill health and melancholia being responsible for the deed.

Mr. STUMP was a man of about forty years of age and leaves a wife and two children aged four and ten years. He owned a farm but it is encumbered, having suffered considerable loss when his home burned down two years ago.


"Jefferson County Republican"
Friday, April 19, 1907
Front Page, Column 4

George STUMP, a farmer about 40 years of age, living near County Line, committed suicide Monday by cutting his throat. He had been in poor health for some time and it is thought that brooding over his condition had unbalanced his mind causing to commit the terrible deed, (sic - deed.)


"The Fairfield Ledger"
Wednesday, April 24, 1907
Page 6, Columns 4 and 5

Cut His Throat With a Razor.
Keosauqua Republican.

Sunday last George STUMP, residing in the southwest corner of Jefferson county, two miles northwest of Selma, while despondent because of poor health, walked out in the front yard at his home and deliberately cut his throat with a razor, death following almost instantly. He was fort-six years of age and leaves a wife and several children. An account of the tragedy, send out from Eldon, had in it the following: "Members of his family were not watching his movements, as, although he was despondent, this was attributed to his recent illness. His absence from the house was not even noted. He had been dead but a few minutes when found, but the razor, still clutched in his hand, left no doubt that his was a case of self-destruction."


"The Fairfield Weekly Journal"
Wednesday, April 24, 1907
Page 6, Column 4


George STUMP of Eldon, aged 55 years, cut his throat. Poor health is the only reason known for the act. …

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*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s) mentioned.

Note: George was married to Eva GONTERMAN; after his death, she married Middleton L. GARRETT. Although she is noted on George's gravestone in Winsell Cemetery, she is buried in Batavia Cemetery with Middleton.


Jefferson Obituaries maintained by Joey Stark.
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