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GREEN, Thomas J. 'Tommy' 1883 - 1896


Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 5/25/2021 at 20:23:28

"The Fairfield Tribune"
Wednesday, January 8, 1896
Page 7, Column 3

A Dreadful Accident.

A shocking and fatal accident occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira GREEN, six miles northeast of this city, about two o'clock last Saturday afternoon, which resulted in the death of their son Thomas. Tommy and his younger brother, eight years old, were playing in the yard. An older brother, Nelson, came from the house with a loaded shot gun, and was going hunting. He came to where the younger boys were and having forgotten something set the gun down and telling the boys not to touch it, went back to the house. While he was gone the younger boy, Alva, picked up the gun, and in some manner discharged it, just as Tommy was passing him. When the report was heard his mother and older brother, Nelson, ran out to find Tommy lying on his back in an unconscious condition, blood pouring from the fatal wound in his forehead. He was immediately carried to the house and a physician was summoned. Nothing could be done for him, however, and he lived but a short time after the doctor arrived. His sudden death and the awful manner of it is a dreadful blow to the family, and also to their many friends.

The funeral took place at the family residence Monday afternoon at two o'clock, Rev. J. W. Dillon conducting the service. A large procession followed the remains to Upper Richwoods cemetery. The pall bearers were selected from the little fellow's school mates. They were William and Fred Kann, Clyde Salladay, and Eddie Stoner.

Mr. Ira GREEN, the father of the unfortunate boy, is a son of Samuel GREEN whose brothers, Dr. J. W. GREEN and Alfred GREEN, live in this city.

The family wish to express their thanks for the kindness shown them by neighbors and friends in their deep affliction.


"The Fairfield Ledger"
Wednesday, January 8, 1896
Page 3, Column 5

Killed by a Shotgun.

Thomas, a twelve-years-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Ira W. GREEN, who live in Buchanan township six miles northeast of this city, was killed by the accidental discharge of a shotgun Saturday afternoon. Nelson, an older brother, was preparing to go hunting, and set the weapon down outside the house to return for something he had forgotten. He cautioned his younger brothers, Thomas and Alvah, the latter about eight years old, not to touch the gun in his absence. The little fellow picked it up, however, and probably in an effort to cock it, the weapon was discharged. The entire charge of shot struck Thomas, who stood nearby, in the center of the forehead, and, tending toward the left, blew off the upper portion of the skull. The wounded lad was immediately taken into the house, and a messenger was dispatched for Dr. Snook. When the physician arrived, perhaps two hours later, the boy was in the throes of death, and he passed away about 6 o'clock. The accident is a most deplorable one, and the parents of the dead child have the sympathy of many friends in their severe affliction. The remains were interred Monday in the Richwoods cemetery.

Mr. and Mrs. GREEN desire to express their sincere thanks for the kindness shown them by neighbors and friends in this affliction.

Copied with permission from The Fairfield Ledger, Inc.; others digital copyright 2019. IAGenWeb Bylaws PROHIBIT the COPYING AND RE-POSTING OF THIS MATERIAL IN ANY PUBLIC VENUE such as Ancestry or Find A Grave without WRITTEN permission from the poster ~ copyright restrictions apply.
*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s) mentioned.


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