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BOND, William


Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 6/4/2006 at 21:09:32

"Fairfield Ledger", Dec. 30, 1903, Pg. 7, Col. 2

THE LAST OF HIS FAMILY. The Denver, Col., "Times" contains this notice of the death of a former Fairfield boy: "Attorney John R. SMITH of this city received a telegram this forenoon from Judge Townsend of Indian territory announcing the death of William BOND, his stenographer. Mr. BOND was well known in this city, having been employed as stenographer by Judge L. B. FRANCE and Mr. SMITH... Mr. BOND died at Gainesville, Texas, from fever. He was a son of John BOND, for many years a resident of this city, and was born and grew to manhood here. He was the sole survivor of the BOND family, which was once well known in this community.

*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s) mentioned.


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