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FULTON, Eliza JONES 1808 - 1889


Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 5/9/2006 at 22:04:57

"The Fairfield Tribune"
December 11, 1889
Page 8, Column 2


In 1843 Alexander FULTON came from Delaware County, Ohio, to Jefferson County, Iowa, and with him his wife, Eliza JONES.... Mr. FULTON died some five years ago, and Mrs. FULTON passed peacefully away Dec. 4, 1889, at the old home place west of town. They had four sons and a daughter, of whom but one son, J.W., is living....

Eliza JONES was born in Ross County, Ohio, Sept. 20, 1808. She was married in the same county June 22, 1826. One brother, Nelson JONES, Grand Ridge, Ill., survives her....


"The Fairfield Ledger"
December 11, 1889
Page 3, Column 6


Mrs. Eliza FULTON, widow of Alexander FULTON, died at her home just west of this city Wednesday morning. Advancing years had visited their infirmities upon her and she had been a sufferer from disease for a long time. Her final illness dated only from the preceding Saturday, and it was not generally known in this city where she had so many friends until the sad end came. The maiden name of deceased was Eliza JONES, and she was a native of Ohio, where she was born September 20th, 1808 and grew to womanhood. She was married June 22d, 1826, and in 1843 removed to this county, where her husband opened the first drug and book store and was engaged in business enterprises of various kinds for a number of years. Afterwards they removed to the farm just west of this city which was their home for so many years, whose hospitality was so well known to all earlier residents of Fairfield, and where both husband and wife died. Mrs. FULTON was the mother of five children, four sons and one daughter, but one of whom, Joseph W., is now living. The others all grew to years of maturity only to be stricken down by disease. Saddened as the home circle was by death's visits it was not desolate and as many more children of other parentage, the fatherless and the motherless, found a home, and a good home it was, beneath the sheltering roof of Uncle Alex and Aunt Eliza FULTON. In common with other people of that day Mrs. FULTON shared all the hardships of pioneer life, and many there are who remember well her kindly deeds and womanly sympathy of those times. Active and industrious throughout all her long life in her home and in her own family, that moment never seemed to come when she would not willing and cheerfully lighten the labor or suffering of those who asked it or by chance fell in her way. Mrs. FULTON was a member of the Methodist church for more than sixty years, and her entire life was that of a noble, chritain (sic) woman. Her relatives in this community were few, but she counted as her friends all who knew her. The remains were interred Sabbath morning by the side of her husband and children. Funeral services were held at the Methodist church by Rev. W. G. Thorn, taking the place of the usual church service.

Copied with permission from The Fairfield Ledger, Inc. IAGenWeb Bylaws PROHIBIT the COPYING AND RE-POSTING OF THIS MATERIAL IN ANY PUBLIC VENUE such as Ancestry or Find A Grave without WRITTEN permission from the poster ~ copyright restrictions apply.
*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s) mentioned.


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