Posted By: Joey Stark
Date: 3/26/2007 at 14:31:52
"Fairfield Ledger Weekly", August 12, 1869, Marriages
CASE---JOHNSON--- August 3d, 1869, at the residence of the bride’s mother, in Fairfield, by Rev. A. AXLINE, Mr. George H. CASE and Miss Clara JOHNSON, both of this county.
By the above it will be seen that our friend has now got the Case, which we stated last week he had not yet received,--- it’s a possessive Case, to which of the two possession belongs is a matter of dispute--- and ong [sic] may it so continue. For the kind remembrance of the “Ledger” men on the happy occasion, we tip our tiles. May their joys be plenty---their sorrows few.
*Transcribed for genealogy purposes; I have no relation to the person(s) mentioned.
Jefferson Documents maintained by Joey Stark.
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