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Posted By: Annette Lucas (email)
Date: 5/23/2021 at 17:46:20

SOURCE: History of Audubon County Iowa, Its People, Industries and Institutions. H. F. Andrews, Editor, B. F. Bowen & Company, Inc., 1915

C. J. Grant, who came to America when a lad of twelve years with his grandparents, and who is now the proud owner of two hundred acres of land in Audubon township, Audubon county, Iowa, was born October, 15, 1856, in Holstein, Germany, the son of Glaus and Margaretha (Dalmyer) Grant, also natives of Holstein, where the former was a day laborer. They had four children, John, C. J., Marguerite and Anna.

C. J. Grant attended school in Holstein, Germany, until eleven years old, and in the spring of 1868, at the age of eleven he came to the United States with his grandparents, Jacob and Lena (Warner) Dalmeyer, the subject of this sketch having made his home with his grandparents from the time he was a small child. They landed at New York City, and came direct to Iowa, locating in Jackson county, where they lived for eleven years, until C. J. was twenty-two years old, when he left his grandparents and began life for himself. Going to Clinton county, Iowa, he worked out as a farm hand for some two years, and then went to Henry county, Illinois, where he worked at farm work for a year. From Henry county he came to Audubon county, where shortly afterwards he purchased eighty acres of land and where he now lives in section 2, Audubon township. The land had practically no improvements at that time, only a small part of the land having been broken. Mr. Grant built a house, sixteen by twenty-four feet and lived in this for several years. He now, however, has a comfortable home of five rooms. He has a substantial barn, cribs and other buildings in keeping with the surroundings. In the meantime, however, he has added a hundred and twenty acres more to the farm. The last farm already had a splendid group of buildings. Mr. Grant is engaged in general farming and stock raising, and feeds on an average of sixty head of hogs and several head of cattle every year.

A Republican in politics, Mr. Grant has never held office, nor has he ever been a candidate for office. When a lad, living in the city of Cennhysen Holstein, Germany, he was baptised in the Lutheran church and still holds to that faith.

Mr. Grant has never married. He takes a worthy interest in public questions, and is considered a man of a rather wide fund of information. However, he has always been interested in his farm, and having a natural liking for agriculture has made satisfactory progress in his chosen vocation. He well deserves the confidence and esteem bestowed upon him by his neighbors and by all of the citizens of Audubon township.


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