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EVANS, George R.


Posted By: Annette Lucas (email)
Date: 5/23/2021 at 09:30:12

SOURCE: Biographical History of Shelby and Audubon Counties, Iowa; W. S. Dunbar & Co., Publishers, 1889

GEORGE R. EVANS, a successful farmer of Cass Township, was born in Canada, October 4, 1857. He is a son of Thomas and Emily (Roberts) Evans. The father is a native of Wales, and the mother was born in Vermont; they were married in Pennsylvania, and then went to Canada. George R. was seven years of age when his parents removed to Jackson County, Iowa. There he grew to manhood, receiving the practical training of a farmer's son, and attending the common schools. The parents still live in Jackson County. Mr. Evans was married in January, 1880, to Miss Martha Blakely, a daughter of James K. and Anna (McGaughy) Blakely. After his marriage Mr. Evans resided in Jackson County until 1881, when he came to this county and bought his present farm of 160 acres. The land was under cultivation, but since it was purchased by Mr. Evans it has undergone quite a change; there is a good dwelling house, a barn, sheds for the protection of live-stock, an orchard, and a grove, all bespeaking the thrift, energy and enterprise of the owner. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are the parents of five children — Anna, James, Maud, Mary and Willis. Mr. Evans holds the political sentiments of the Republican party, he is in the prime of life, of a robust constitution, genial in his disposition, honorable in business, and is numbered among the reliable men of Cass Township.


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