Louis A Hawkammer, b. 8 Mar 1864
Posted By: Donna Moldt Walker (email)
Date: 5/5/2004 at 11:37:19
Louis A. Hawkammer is an intelligent and enterprising young farmer, operating his father's valuable farm of 247 acres on section 10, Perry Township, who, by his shrewdness and good management, is carrying on agricultural pursuits very profitably, and with every prospect of placing himself among the wealthy, substantial citizens of Jackson County. He is a native of Iowa, born in Clayton Centre, Clayton County, March 8, 1864. He is of German parentage, coming of a sturdy, independent, self-reliant, Teutonic ancestry, from whom he inherits those traits which make him a good man and a desirable citizen.
Charles Hawkammer, the father of our subject, was born in the Province of Nassau, Germany, which was also the birthplace of his father, George C. Hawkammer, who came to the United States, and died in Pennsylvania, at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. His father, Andreas Hawkammer, great-grandfather of our subject, was a life-long resident of Germany. The father of our subject spent his early years in the home of his birth, and there learned the trade of a mason. In 1844, when seventeen years old, he came to this country, and located in St. Clair County, Ill., where he engaged in farming two years. At the expiration of that time he came to Iowa, and casting in his fortunes with the pioneers of this State, became an early settler of Clayton County, purchasing eighty acres of land in Clayton Centre. In the laborious years that followed he busied himself in improving and operating a good farm, which he disposed of in 1868, on his removal to this county. Here he invested his money in 160 acres of partly improved land in Perry Township which still constitutes a part of his present farm. He afterwards bought eighty-seven acres of land adjacent to it, and by assiduous and well-directed toil, made of the whole one of the best farms in the neighborhood. It is neatly fenced, has beautiful groves and a fine orchard, and is well watered by a branch of Brush Creek. It is supplied with a substantial set of farm buildings, including a neat dwelling-house, 24x30 feet, with an "L" 12x14 feet, and a commodious barn, 36x50 feet.
Besides cultivating his land Mr. Hawkammer paid much attention to stock-raising, and was thus prosperously engaged until the spring of 1889, when he yielded the charge of his farm to his son, of whom we write, and retired, on an ample competency, to the town of Andrew. He bought a house and lot, and is there living in this comfortable home, at the age of sixty-three years, and honored and respected by all, in that he has always led an honest upright life, and has been an influence for good in the State where he has made his home for more than forty years. In his political views he is a stanch adherent of the Democratic party. Religiously, he is an earnest Lutheran, and an active member of the church of that denomination at Andrew, he being a Deacon and Trustee. In him all good works find a cheerful supporter, and is particularly interested in the welfare of homeless and forlorn children without parents, and was instrumental in the establishment of the orphan asylum at Andrew, of which institution he is one the directors.
Mr. Hawkammer is greatly indebted for his success in life to the blessing of a good wife, who cheerfully co-operated with him in his work, and is now enjoying with him the fruit of their united labors. She is, like himself a faithful and pious member of the Lutheran Church. Her maiden name was Louisa Seibreck, and she was born fifty-eight years ago, in Germany. Her father lived and died in that country. Of this marriage seven children have been born, as follows: Mary, now Mrs. Gerhard Williams, lives in this county; Katie lives in Madison County, Iowa; Sophie now Mrs. Johnson, lives in Perry; Louis A., Lizzie, William, and Fred, all living with our subject.
He of whom we write was four years old when his parents moved from Clayton County, his birthplace, to Jackson County, and the remaining years of his life have been passed in this township. He received the advantages of a good public school education, and of a thorough training in agricultural pursuits, under the practical direction of his father, so that he understands farming and stock-raising in all their details. He remained at home and assisted his father until the spring of 1889, when the latter gave up the management of the farm to him. He pays much attention to stock-raising, has nineteen cattle of good grades, has eleven horses, and three fine teams for farming and driving purposes, and he raises a car-load of hogs for the market each year. He also engages to some extent in the manufacture of sorghum, making about fifty gallons a year from an acre of cane.
Our subject is a young man of exceptional character, and of sturdy, upright principles, who is achieving success in his chosen calling, by industrious habits and the most honorable methods. He is a true Christian, and a valued member of the Lutheran Church at Andrew. In his politics he follows in the footsteps of his sire, and gives the Democratic party his hearty support.
("Portrait and Biographical Album of Jackson County, Iowa", originally published in 1889, by the Chapman Brothers, of Chicago, Illinois.)
Jackson Biographies maintained by Jennie Williams Pahls.
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