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George D. Foster, b. 7 Aug 1859


Posted By: Donna Moldt Walker (email)
Date: 2/21/2004 at 12:07:40

George D. Foster, junior partner of the firm of Edward Foster & Son, is with his father conducting probably the largest stock business in this part of Iowa, having invested therein a large capital, and their shipments amounting to $5,000 per annum. He is an intelligent gentleman of a powerful frame and fine physique, and occupies one of the most beautiful homes in Jackson County, delightfully situated about a mile west of Preston, and in full view of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad and station. It is noted too as the seat of hospitality and good cheer, and is the resort of hosts of friends whom the proprietor and his estimable and accomplished wife have gathered around them. Mrs. Foster is one of the brightest and most energetic women of her time. She is highly educated and followed the profession of a teacher some years before her marriage, resigning her position to become the wife of our subject.

The Foster stock-farm includes 320 acres of valuable land on section 30, in Van Buren Township, and is equipped with all the appliances necessary for the proper transaction of the business to which Mr. Foster has of late years given his close attention. There are three Eclipse windmills for grinding, one 10-foot wheel, one 14-foot wheel, geared, and one 20-foot engine of a like description. These furnish ample power for grinding all the feed required for the large number of cattle and other stock, and also furnishes the power for conveying water to whatever point desired. There is a large reservoir and tanks, and in both winter and summer, water is furnished at a uniform temperature. Mr. Foster utilizes for this purpose the Stowell Tank Heating Apparatus, for which, he is general agent for the north half of Clinton and all of Jackson County. His farm is conducted on strictly scientific principles, and the feeding troughs, sheds and barns are so arranged as to afford the greatest conveniences with the least expenditure of time and labor.

Mr. Foster procures his stock principally from the Chicago market and handles annually large numbers of beef cattle and swine. He also carries on dairying to a certain extent, having from sixteen to twenty-five milch cows, and for the prosecution of this industry has also all the modern conveniences, including an ice house and the most approved dairy apparatus. This latter is largely under the supervision of Mrs. Foster who is apparently fully qualified for the responsibility.

Edward Foster, the father of our subject, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume, was one of the pioneer settlers of Jackson County, locating in Van Buren Township during its primitive days. He was twice married, the mother of our subject having been in her girlhood, Miss Mary Dalphin, a native of England. They became the parents of two children, the one besides our subject being a daughter, Mary, now Mrs. Schader, of Miles, Iowa, and whose husband is also a large stock man. Of the second marriage of Edward Foster, there were born three children - Cora, James and Edward.

The subject of this sketch was born Aug. 7, 1859, and was reared from his boyhood to farm pursuits, although he was given ample time and opportunity for a thorough education. At the age of sixteen years he entered Cornell College at Mt. Vernon, Iowa, where he pursued his studies for some time. August, 1878, in company with his sister he visited England, and spent several months with relatives. When twenty-one years old he was married, Dec. 23, 1880, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Daniel Dean, of Princeton, Ill. Her mother was formerly Miss Mary Anderson, a native of New York State, born near the beautiful Hudson River. Mr. Dean was born in Keene County, N.H., and the parents were married in New York State. They removed to Bureau County, Ill., in 1856, and Mr. Dean is now connected with the Tribune of that county.

Mrs. Foster was born in Princeton, Ill., and was graduated from the first High School of that city. She began teaching when a maiden of sixteen years and has always taken a deep interest in educational matters. In the summer of 1878, she came to Preston, and the year following accepted a position as Assistant Principal of the Sabula schools, which position she held a little over a year, and then was married to our subject. Of this union there have been born two children, John Dalphin, who died May 22, 1888, at the age of six years, and Dean Edward, who was born Dec. 5, 1883.

The plan of the Foster residence was drawn by Mrs. Foster, and displays much architectural skill and contrivance. She is a lady of rare tastes, and the home both within and without is a model one. Mr. Foster, politically usually affiliates with the Democratic party, but has no aspirations for office, being wholly absorbed in his farming and stock interests. Both he and his estimable wife are members in good standing of the Congregational Church.

* Please note difference in spelling from the Biography of Edward Foster. This is taken exactly as printed in the original volume.

("Portrait and Biographical Album of Jackson County, Iowa", originally published in 1889, by the Chapman Brothers, of Chicago, Illinois)


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