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Howard, Mary Elizabeth (Walton) 1850-1919


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 1/31/2025 at 15:15:58

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Sept. 12, 1919, P8 C3-4

After an illness of only three or four days, Mrs. Elizabeth Howard passed to her eternal reward on Wednesday evening at eight o’clock. She had been in delicate health for several years but was able to be about and among her friends up until Sunday last. From Monday noon she failed rapidly until the end came on Wednesday evening at the home of her son, James, in east Cresco, who, with his faithful wife, have given her a comfortable home and tenderly ministered to her every need.
Mary Elizabeth Walton was born at Long Sutton, England, on February 14, 1850, where about half of her early life was spent, On November 11, 1869, in Lincolnshire, England, she was united in marriage to William Howard, who passed away December 11, 1915. TO them were born seven children, two of whom died in infancy and five still survive. With their family, they came to the Untied States n 1887 and located on a farm near Cresco and for thirty-two years have lived in this vicinity.
Mrs. Howard united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1917, and for some years been a regular attendant upon the services of the church living a conscientious christian life. She was an exceptionally good woman with many very excellent qualities. She was good hearted and kind to everybody and to all of God’s creatures. She not only desired to do good but sought opportunities to be helpful and useful in the world. She scattered the rosebuds of cheerfulness and good deeds all along life’s pathway. She was a woman of great sympathy and was especially devoted to her husband and family.
Just as the sun was sinking to rest on Wednesday evening, Sept. 3rd, with a number of her children and loved ones about her bedside, she very quietly and peacefully passed from the scenes of time to the home of the blessed, aged 69 years, 6 months and 19 days.
To cherish the memory of a life most beautiful and to hold in grateful remembrance the tender affection of a loving mother’s care, there remains three sons, W. W. Howard of Davenport, Iowa; Fred of Correll, Minn.; and James W., of Cresco, two daughters, Mrs. William Eddy and Mrs. P. S. Barker, both of Cresco; one brother, James Walton of London, England; eighteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. In the thirty-two years of residence here, she also has a large circle of friends and neighbors, who will hold her memory in high regard.
The funeral service was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Howard, 604 3rd Ave. East, on Friday afternoon, Sept. 5th, conducted by her pastor, Rev. E. G. Copeland. The casket rested in the front room of the home banked with wreaths and cut flowers. Beautiful music was furnished by Mesdames E. H. Allen
and F. D. Mead and Messrs. Joe Burgess and Dana Mead, accompanied by Mrs. W. W. Nichols. Interment was made at Oaklawn.
The out of town friends attending the funeral were W. W. Howard, of Davenport, Iowa; Fred Howard of Correll, Minn.; Mrs. Lizzie Christen and daughter Josie, of Decorah, Iowa.
E. G. C.

Oak Lawn Cemetery

Howard Obituaries maintained by Constance McDaniel Hall.
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