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Marshall – Hicks Marriage 1918


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 6/18/2024 at 13:44:33

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Mar 15, 1918, P4 C4

A War Romance Wedding.
An Anaconda, Montana newspaper under date of Feb. 5th contains the following item of interest to Cresco people: “A marriage of interest to the people of the city and the culmination of a military romance is that of Miss Margaret Hicks, daughter of Mrs. Margaret Hicks of this city, and A. E. Marshall of Seattle, a member of that company of the Washington Coast artillery, which was stationed here for some time. The wedding took place last Saturday at the Sacred Heart church in Seattle and Father GIllfred performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Margaret Hicks and daughter left here last week for Seattle. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall went from their home in Iowa to Seattle for the wedding of their son.


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