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Biever – Urban Marriage 1917


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 4/25/2024 at 11:25:15

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Jan. 19, 1917, P8 C1

The approaching marriage of Francis Biwer and Susie Urban was announced for the first time last Sunday.

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Jan. 26, 1917, P5 C6

Marriage Licenses.
The following licenses to wed have been of recent issue at the County Clerk’s office:
{Joseph A. Soukup, Ridgeway.
{Mary Hyle{sic}, Cresco.

{Michael J. Huber, Cresco.
{Esther C. Judd, Cresco.

{Charlie Haskovec, Elma.
{Emma Koshatka, Elma.

{Francis Biwer, Elma.
{Susan Urban, Elma.

Source: Cresco Plain Dealer Feb. 2, 1917, FP C6

Married at Lourdes.
Our Lady of Lourdes Church was the scene of a very pretty wedding on Jan. 23rd, when Francis E. Biever and Miss Susan M. Urban were united in the holy bonds of matrimony, prior to the nuptial mass, celebrated by Rev. J. J. Norris, Pastor.
At nine o’clock the bride and groom attended by Miss Katie Falada, an intimate friend of the bride, and James A. Biever, brother of the groom, entered the church to the strains of Mendelsshons{sic} wedding march, played by Charles Walters and Charles Chihak, violinists, accompanied on the organ by Miss Ella Rinn.
The bride was attired in a burgundy purple suit, a black picture hat b=trimmed in ostrich tips, and carried a boquet of roses and lilies-of-the valley. The groom wore the conventional black.
The bride, the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Urban, and the groom, son of Mrs. Tessie Biever, were raised in Our Lady of Lourdes parish, and received their education in the parochial school. Both are accomplished musicians and have been faithful members of the choir for many years.
After the ceremony they retired to the home of the bride where a bounteous repast was enjoyed by their numerous relatives and friends. In the evening a reception was held in the hall for the young people.
Many beautiful and useful gifts were presented to the happy couple which shows the high esteem in which they are held. In the near future they expect to be in their new home on Grandpa Birmingham’s farm. Their many friends wish them a long and happy wedded life.

Transcriber’s Note: The groom’s last name is spelled two different ways. Find a Grave shows the correct spelling as Biever.


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