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Thielen – Ferrie Marriage 1908


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/30/2019 at 14:03:18

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Sept. 4, 1908, FP, C6

THIELEN— FERRIE—At St. Joseph’s Catholic church in Cresco, Iowa, on Tuesday, Sept. 1st, by Father H. J. Loosebrock, Mr. A. Thielen and Miss Regina Ferrie, both of this vicinity.

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer Sept. 11, 1908, FP, C5

Tuesday morning Sept. 1st at St. Joseph’s church, Cresco, Ia., occurred the marriage of Mr. John A. Thielen and Miss Regina A. Ferrie, Rev. H. J. Loosebrock officiating. The bride wore a gown of cream pongee silk and carried a bouquet of white asters.
The bridesmaid Miss Edith Ferrie, and the maid of honor Miss Tillie Thielen wore gowns of white Persian lawn. The groom and attendants, Mr. Geo. Thielen, brother of the groom, and Mr. Lawrence Ferrie wore the conventional black.
Immediately following the ceremony the party retired to the home of the bride’s parents where breakfast was served to the invited guests, the dining room being beautifully decorated with golden rod and yellow and white bunting. In the early hours of evening a large crowd of young people had gathered to enjoy themselves in dancing and merry making, which continued until the wee hours of morn.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H. Ferrie of New Oregon township, where she has grown to womanhood, and by her charming ways has won a host of friends.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Thielen of Howard county, and is a trusted employ of the Chicago street railway company, and well worthy of the bride he has won.
The happy young couple were the recipients of many beautiful and costly presents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thielen left Friday evening, Sept. 4th, for Chicago where they will make their future home, and where the best wishes of their many friends accompany them.


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