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Kessel – Magaw Marriage 1908


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 5/16/2019 at 17:02:58

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer May 15, 1908, FP, C5

Following is a Rochester, Minn., dispatch in the Minneapolis Tribune of Tuesday: “Invitations have been issued for the wedding of Miss Alice Magaw of this city and Dr. George Kessel of Cresco, Iowa, which will take place Saturday, May 23. Miss Magaw for a number of years has been the anaesthetic nurse at St. Mary’s hospital and Dr. Kessel is a prominent doctor in northern Iowa, owning and operating the Kessel hospital at Cresco. The ceremony will be performed in this city at the home of Dr. W. J. Mayo.

Source: Twice-A-Week Plain Dealer May 29, 1908, FP, C1,2

Miss Alice Magaw and Dr. Geo. Kessel United in Marriage at Rochester Saturday, May 23d.
(Rochester, Minn., Daily Bulletin.)
The marriage of Miss Alice Magaw of Rochester and Dr. George Kessel of Cresco, Iowa, was celebrated quietly at the home of Dr. and Mrs. William J. Mayo at six o’clock Saturday evening. The residence at 427 West College street was decorated prettily but with extreme simplicity in green and white. In the south parlor where the ceremony took place, a miniature arbor had been constructed. Upon a dainty trellis effect, asparagus fern was twined and interwoven in a charming way. On low pedestals at either side of the bower were placed ferns whose spreading fronds completed the delicacy of the effect. White lilacs were used to advantage in the reception rooms. The large library where the wedding dinner was served, was adorned with bride’s roses, the choice pink blossoms appearing on all the tables.
To the music of the Lohengrin wedding march, played by Mrs. Henry S. Plummer, the bride came from an upper room at the appointed hour, accompanied by her brother, Mr. John Magaw. An aisle of ribbons was made by four little flower girls, Phoebe and Dorothy Mayo, Gertrude Kessel and Alice Stinchfield. The groom was in waiting with Dr. Mayo, and as the couple met at the trysting place, Rev. Robert K. Wharton impressively began the marriage service of the Presbyterian church.
The bridal grown was of embroidered white batiste, and the flowers a shower bouquet of lilies of the valley. Congratulations and good wishes were extended by the friends present and shortly thereafter dinner was announced.
The guests were the members of the firm of Drs. Mayo, Graham & Co., and a few of the most intimate friends and relatives. Covers were laid for thirty-eight. The place cards were pink rose petals, being in harmony with the color scheme of the room. The ice cream was moulded in the shape of roses in the same hue. Misses Florence Henderson, Mary Hines, Cora Olson, Helen Berkman, Nelle Stinchfield and Charlotte Shrader served the dinner.
Dr. and Mrs. Kessel departed on the 8:20 train for Minneapolis. On the 29th of May they sail from Quebec on the Empress of Ireland, and will spend about three months touring on the continent.
Dr. Kessel is the owner and surgeon of a large hospital at Cresco, Iowa, known as the Kessel hospital. He is a physician and surgeon who stands high in his profession, and has the respect and personal esteem of the most eminent medical men. Miss Magaw has been anaesthetist at St. Mary’s hospital for fifteen years and her remarkable success in her chosen work has won recognition from medical authorities all over the world.
The marriage of these two professional people who have so much of interest in common, is a most happy event, and hundreds of friends of the bride in Rochester express pleasure and good wishes. Among the beautiful wedding gifts were many choice pieces of cut glass.
The announcement cards which Dr. and Mrs. Mayo have issued as a mark of esteem for their friend and professional associate, give the “at home” date as September, 15, 202 West Second street, Cresco, Iowa.


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