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Patterson - Walker Marriage 1896


Posted By: Joy Moore (email)
Date: 8/27/2017 at 13:12:32

Iowa Plain Dealer September 22, 1896, FP, C4

PATTERSON—WALKER—At the home of the officiating clergyman, Rev. T. E. Taylor, on Saturday, Sept, 19, 1896, Mr. Arthur D. Patterson and Miss Stella M. Walker.
This very quiet wedding was a surprise to all, even the most intimate friends, but congratulations are not less in number or heartiness in consequence. The groom known to all as our efficient deputy postmaster for several years, is counted one of our best young men; the bride is the daughter of one of the county’s early residents, and is possessed of all the attributes of a true woman and a helping wife. The Plain Dealer force extends congratulations and wishes them a consummation of all anticipated successes and joys.


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